Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mukhriz questions PAS’ ability to rule Kedah

Mukhriz questions PAS’ ability to rule Kedah

PETALING JAYA - The rise in illegal entertainment outlets and massage centres in Kedah has raised doubts about PAS’ ability to govern the state effectively, said Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir.

Mukhriz said the growing presence of illegal businesses in the state contradicted the party’s claims that it championed Islamic values.

“Although the state government said these entertainment outlets were unlicensed, it has not held them accountable for their illegal activities. This has raised questions about the enforcement.

“(How could) anyone walk free after conducting an immoral illegal activity?” the Jerlun MP asked in a statement yesterday.

Muhkriz, who is also Kedah Umno communications unit deputy president, slammed PAS for its “flip-flop” over the ban of several entertainment outlets in Kedah during Ramadan.

The PAS central working committee ordered the Kedah Government to reverse its decision last month.

“This flip-flop by PAS to cancel its earlier announcement has created the perception that non-Muslims have a tendency to indulge in immoral activities.

“This is an insult to the intelligence of the people, as the non-Muslim community is, in fact, also strongly against immoral activities.”

- The Star

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