Monday, August 1, 2011

Permits for cabbies if Pakatan takes Putrajaya

Cabbies have been told that Pakatan Rakyat will end the practice of issuing permits en bloc to companies and hand these out to individual drivers instead, if it comes to power at federal level.

NONEPKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim pledged this when addressing more than 500 taxi drivers who had gathered in Petaling Jaya last night to voice their woes.

Anwar said Pakatan is more than willing to approve all 10 demands made by the taxi drivers, including one for individual permits.

The list, drafted by Hindraf lawyers R Kengadharan and V Ganabatirao, includes social security coverage and renegotiation of the hire-purchase agreement between cabbies and taxi companies.

Insurance coverage, pension payment and a special housing scheme for taxi drivers are among the other demands.

NONE“I cannot promise to give mansions to each individual, but I can promise you that the taxis that you drive will belong to you,” promised Anwar.

However, he argued that the taxi drivers must also help to ensure that political change takes place.

Anwar said he wants cabbies to be “agents” of Pakatan by helping to explain the policies of the opposition coalition, and assist in distributing party organs like Harakah, Suara Keadilan and Rocket.

“We must work hard, only then will our agenda proceed,” he said.

The gathering was organised by the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor taxi drivers' welfare association.

'Abuse of power'

Without naming names, Anwar also claimed that many BN luminaries including an ex-ministers have been issued with hundreds of taxi permits in addition to shares in government-linked companies.

This, he said, has been to the detriments of cabbies who have had to lease taxis and pay rent for the permits.

“But the minister ask (taxi drivers) to smile. How to smile? Wives are angry there is not enough food. How to smile like that?” he said to applause.

Other Pakatan leaders who spoke at the event were DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, Selangor exco Ronnie Liu and Kampung Tunku assemblyperson Lau Weng San. - Malaysiakini

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