Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PM announces RM42.6mil 'duit raya' for Felda settlers

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today announced that all 112,635 Felda settlers will receive "duit raya" involving an allocation of RM42.6 million.

He said in a statement today that the gift was in recognition of the settlers' contribution to Felda's development, besides to help them prepare for the Hari Raya celebration.

Najib said the distribution method for the money would be the same as last year's and that it would be divided into two categories - settlers who are with Felda and those who are not with Felda.

He said 100,357 or 89.1 per cent of the settlers with Felda would each receive RM400, involving as allocation of RM40.14 million, while 12,278 or 10.9 per cent not with Felda would get RM200 each or RM2.46 million in total.

Giving of raya money to the settlers has been implemented since 2003.

Najib said the payment for this year had increased by RM5.41 million or 14.54 per cent from RM37.20 million in 2010.

Last year, settlers who were with Felda or sold their yields to Felda received RM350 each and those who did not, got RM150 each.

Najib said the "duit raya" payments would be made to all the settlers at the Felda land schemes in the second week of Ramadan.

"I hope the raya money will help lessen their financial burden in preparing for the arrival of the month of Syawal," he said.

Najib also urged all those settlers not with Felda to return to the fold to help the land schemes develop and prosper further.

- Bernama

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