Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadan Blessings for PDRM’s DSP Baharin Che Ros and 5 Others

by Din Merican

Last night (July 31) marks the beginning of 1st Ramadan 1432 Hijrah which means today August 1, Muslims in Malaysia and most parts of the world will start fasting for one month. At the end of one Ramadan, Muslims generally make a special prayer to seek God’s Grace for the opportunity to meet with another Ramadan because only God knows of life, death and the hereafter-Wallahu a’lam. And so it is with the wife and children of Ahmad Sarbaini who will not get to fast with him this year.

RPK MT revelations on the Death of Ahmad Sarbani

Raja Petra Kamarudin’s Malaysia Today (RPK MT) had run an 8 Part series on the Lies and Deceptions by the MACC in the death of Ahmad Sarbaini when it became obvious that the MACC would not be telling the truth in the Inquest. This became clear when Police Forensic Officer ASP Fauziah Che Mat testified that an expert had tampered and erased over 22 hours of CCTV recording at the KL MACC Office.

Instead of comforting and offering condolences to Ahmad Sarbaini’s widow and family, the MACC compounded their grief by trying to justify that he was a crooked Customs officer who had tried to escape via a pantry window but instead fell to his death. The MACC did not care that there was not an iota of evidence to arrest the man. The MACC did not care that their sole evidence was a so-called voluntary “confession” which had been debunked by its own Investigating Officer (IO) Abd Ghani Bin Ali who had admitted to the Coroner that this was the first time in his 20 over years as an IO that anyone had ever given a “confession”.

To continue to defame a man after his death is very cruel and unIslamic. In the spirit of Ramadan, I ask these Malay/Muslim MACC officers and the other witnesses not to perpetuate any more lies when the Inquest resumes on Tuesday August 2, regardless that RPK had already exposed to the Malaysian public who the real killers were.

It appeared that RPK had exposed all that in order to pre-empt a recurrence of the findings in the death of Teoh Beng Hock (TBH). Although the Malaysian Bar had issued a statement to express dismay with the TBH RCI Report, yet, several key points are very damning to the MACC as follows:

1) That TBH was subjected to “aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation” and that the recording of his statement was unlawful;

2) That most of the MACC officers who were involved in the operations and who gave evidence as witnesses were neither truthful nor credible, as they “had the inevitable habit of lying”;

3) That massive operations launched by the MACC were grounded on mere belief of information purportedly received over the telephone, and without proper groundwork or investigation.

That sums it all – that MACC officers act unlawfully; have the habit of lying; and mount operations without proper groundwork or investigation. That is what will happen to you if you suffer the misfortune of being an MACC target!

That was what happened in 2007 to five ordinary Policemen whose only crime was to truthfully report that former IGP Musa Hassan was in cahoots with the Along illegal loan shark syndicate. To cover himself, Musa Hassan accused these junior policemen of trying to bring him down.

Instead of protecting these lowly ranked policemen or investigating the truth of their intelligence reports, then MACC Chief Ahmad Said Hamdan and A-G Gani Patail worked to destroy them. Instead of giving these five policemen commendation medals for bravery or for whistle blowing, the MACC intimidated several Chinese informants to frame these junior policemen. A-G Gani Patail then charged them for fabrication of evidence against IGP Musa Hassan while the syndicate man, Goh Cheng Poh aka Tengku Goh went scot free.

The mainstream media led by Dato’ Charles Lourdes of The Starthen conspired with A-G Gani Patail, Musa Hassan and Ahmad Said of the MACC to malign these ordinary policemen by branding them as traitorous officers when they were hauled to court.

I have highlighted parts of the news clips below for readers to see the journalistic slant given to that story in calling known criminals and Restricted Resident (RR) detainees as businessmen. It is also evident that former IGP Musa Hassan had sided with known criminals and RR detainees to forsake his own men in blue:


Wednesday October 3, 2007

Two policemen held for falsifying statements


PETALING JAYA: Two police officers who allegedly tried to frame Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan by falsifying and tampering with witness statements have been arrested.

The two, a chief inspector and a lance corporal, were arrested in Kuantan and Kluang yesterday. They are both in their 40s.

ACA director-general Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan said they allegedly falsified the statements of seven witnesses as a basis to arrest three people under the Emergency Ordinance 1969 by claiming that they were members of a gaming syndicate.

“As a result, the three were arrested by police officers from the Kluang district police headquarters on March 30,” he said.

The three men were freed after investigations into their cases and allegations arose of Musa ordering the three people to be freed after receiving RM2mil.

Ahmad Said said investigations showed that when the three were detained, Musa had received information that they had been framed.

He said Musa ordered CID officers from the intelligence and operations division to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter.

ACA investigations later revealed that the IGP did not order or issue any instruction to release the three, he added.

“However, the IGP said if there was any abuse of power or fabrication of evidence, then they must be released,” he said.

Ahmad Said added that CID investigations also revealed that the seven who were detained denied ever giving statements to the Kluang police about the involvement of the three people in a gaming syndicate.

As a result, the three were freed in April.

The chief inspector was arrested in Kuantan at about 3pm yesterday when he was called in for questioning while the lance corporal was arrested in Kluang at about 11pm.

The officer who was arrested in Kuantan was previously in Kluang where he was attached to the anti-vice and gaming division.

Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said both were expected to be charged today with forgery and with using as genuine a forged document.

If convicted they could be jailed up to two years or a fine or both for each of the offence.

Wednesday October 24, 2007

Three more cops held for falsifying witnesses’ statements


KUALA LUMPUR: Three police officers – a deputy superintendent, assistant superintendent and sergeant – were arrested by the Anti-Corruption Agency for falsifying witnesses’ statements leading to the arrest of a businessman in Johor.

The trio – from the commercial crimes department in Bukit Aman – were arrested at their office in Bukit Perdana by ACA officers yesterday.

They are expected to be charged at the Jalan Duta Sessions Court today.

ACA director-general Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan confirmed the arrests but declined to elaborate.

It is learnt that the three allegedly falsified the witnesses’ statements to frame charges against a man, alleging that he was involved in illegal activities.

The businessman was arrested under the Emergency Ordinance and placed under Restricted Residence in an east coast state.

The arrest of the three is the second such arrest by the ACA involving police officers and personnel falsifying witnesses’ statements.

The ACA had on Oct 2 arrested two police officers who allegedly tried to frame Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan by forging and tampering with witnesses’ statements, claiming that Musa had freed three people detained under the Emergency Ordinance after receiving RM2mil.

The two – a chief Inspector and a lance corporal – were arrested in Kuantan and Kluang.

FindArticles / News / New Straits Times / Oct 27, 2007

Policemen charged with falsifying statements

JOHOR BARU: Two cops who are at the centre of a witness statement scam involving a businessman were yesterday brought to the Sessions Court here for falsifying another similar statement.

Sergeant-Major Hasan Aman, 49, and Deputy Superintendent Baharin Mohd Rose, 52, who is with the Federal Police Commercial Crime division in Bukit Aman, were charged with falsifying a witness statement in Pulai here on June 5.

The statement, from a witness known as “Chong Wah”, was part ofinvestigations involving businessman, Goh Cheng Poh, who was subsequently sentenced to restricted residence in Kelantan.

Hasan and Baharin were alleged to have committed the offence with the express intention of bringing harm upon Goh, by creating the impression that Chong Wah had given the testimony whereas in actual fact it was invented by them (the accused).

Hasan and Baharin pleaded not guilty to committing the offence at the Pulai Springs Resort about 11am on June 5.

They were represented by counsel Datuk Kamaruddin Mat Desa and Abdul Halim Yahya respectively, while prosecution was handled by Anti-Corruption Agency deputy public prosecutor Mohamad Jazamuddin Ahmad Nawawi.

Judge Zanol Rashid Hussain set bail at RM8,000 each pending hearing on Feb 13 and 14.

On Thursday, Hasan and another senior officer Assistant Superintendent Hong Ken Hock, 42, were charged at the Malacca Sessions Court with falsifying witness statements.

Earlier Hong and Baharin were charged in Kuala Lumpur also with using false documents against Goh.


And for four years, these five Policemen languished in misery and were forgotten by their own Police Force. But I wrote about them on March 19, 2011 when their plight was highlighted in Parliament by the MP of Bakri, YB Er Teck Hwa. In my article“IGP Ismail Omar: Wake Up And Do The Right Thing!”,I asked PDRM and the new IGP Ismail Omar not to forget their own brothers in blue – Chief Chief Inspector Nordin bin Ahmad, Lance Corporal Wong Boon Fai, Sergeant Major Hassan Aman, ASP Hong Ken Hock and DSP Baharin Che Ros who were charged, while other officers like Sargeant Mohd Yusof Bin Ahmad, Sub-Inspector Mohd Yasin Bin Malik, ASP Mior Fahim Bin Ahmad and Corporal Raja Kumar were posted to isolated places as punishments and excluded from any promotion.

There was much fanfare then when they were charged in 2007. Yet, there was a total news embargo when these officers were acquitted on Thursday July 28. On that day, when the Sessions Court Johor Baharu called up Criminal Case No. 61-11-2007, Sessions Judge Tuan Jamaluddin bin Hj Mat agreed with Lawyer Abdul Halim Yahya that there was no basis for them to have been charged for merely doing their job.

Like the TBH RCI, Judge Jamalludin Mat also found that there was no proper groundwork or investigation to justify the charges against them, there was no basis to charge them and that the MACC witnesses had lied. These six Policemen were acquitted and discharged without their defence even being called!

For four long years, these five Policemen had to endure hardship and public ridicule. Yet, they stood by their principles. Now that they have been acquitted, it is time for PDRM to reinstate them. It is time that IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar restores them to their rightful positions. Otherwise, it would be a mockery to all Malaysians that these men should continue to suffer while Musa Hassan has been given the position of Pensyarah Utama at UiTM with a salary of over RM20,000/- per month. What would he be teaching these bumiputera students? To fix people up? Or is that a reward to keep his mouth shut over the things he knew while he was IGP?

Beyond that, their acquittals also proved that these men spoke the truth in their intelligence reports. If the MACC is serious about eradicating corruption, it should by now have acted on the revelations contained in the various Statutory Declarations, including by Musa Hassan’s own aide de camp (ADC) ASP Noor Azizul Rahim. The revelations about Musa Hassan cannot be more clear and explicit as can be seen below:

Since the MACC had failed to act, it only serves to confirm yet again the public perception that it’s Chief Commissioner, Dato’ Seri Abu Kassim, is subordinate to A-G Gani Patail. It confirms public perception that the two main law enforcement agencies in the country would only act to cover up for each other. That is what the public perceived from the results of the TBH RCI and now the Ahmad Sarbaini Inquest.

Freedom for DSP Baharin Che Rose and Other Brave PDRM Officers

As for DSP Baharin Che Rose and the other brave officers, to be acquitted just as Muslims usher in Ramadan is very auspicious. This must be the best Ramadan gift and may they have a more joyous Aidilfitri this year. They must must continue to have faith that the truth will prevail eventually.

To MACC’s Dato Seri Abu Kassim, PDRM’s Tan Sri Ismail Omar and A-G Gani Pataial, you should know that the Malaysians are fed-up with lies, deceptions and cover-ups where the powerful go scot free and the ordinary innocent people get persecuted.

The public demands the truth and is entitled to Nothing But The Truth!

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