Monday, August 1, 2011

Umno activities not just for members but all races

Umno activities not just for members but all races

BERA - Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has directed all branches under the division, including Umno Youth, Wanita and Puteri to tune up their election machinery to face the general election.

Ismail Sabri who is also Member of Parliament for Bera said all branches must start going to the ground to meet the people, no matter what race there are since Umno's struggles are not restricted to a specific race.

"Umno's programme and activities are not restricted to members alone but catered for all the races in the country," he said after meeting about 200 Umno leaders from the Bera division yesterday.

Ismail Sabri who is also the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister said sports, social, community and gotong-royong activities can further strengthen unity among the people and the party.

"All Umno leaders must be pro-active, go to the ground and meet the people to assist and provide whatever help required, no matter what race they are. Activities for youths must also be increased because they will be the ones who will become the backbone of the country in the future," he said.

- Bernama

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