Tuesday, September 27, 2011

CCTV footage deleted, yet no foul play

your say'Judging from the outpouring of anger and the incredulous verdict of the coroner, it looks like Malaysia's rule of law is really going to the dogs.'

No foul play in Sarbaini's death, court rules

Multi Racial: How do you expect the rakyat to believe senior customs officer Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed accidentally walk out of a building's window and killed himself?

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is responsible and someone has to be responsible for Sarbaini's death - there is no two ways about it.

Congratulation to coroner Aizatul Akmal Maharani for taking Malaysian court to its newest low. I wonder how low can it go?

Lim Chong Leong: How can we accept that Sarbaini was out on the ledge on his own?

The court cannot rule that he ran away to meet DB Schenker Logistics Bhd's Wan Zainalabidin Wan Zaki because that would be speculation, but the court could speculate that he may have suffered optical illusion?

So the court can speculate as and when is convenient? And how convenient also that there was no video footage because it had been tampered with.

This throws doubt to the finding that there was no struggle merely because there were no signs of struggle as all such evidence could have been removed, just like the way the video was tampered with.

The court, based on the tampering of the video alone, should rule the death as suspicious.

Joker: It looks like the BN courts are using a standard template to handle 'suspicious deaths' - the template is known as the TBH (Teoh Beng Hock) decision, i.e. not murder, not suicide. The verdict is that of accidental death.

The MACC office must be one of the most dangerous office in the world where visitors who are there for the first time can die accidentally.

I wonder how will such a verdict affect insurance claims? Can the deceased's family claim PA (personal accident) benefits since it is accidental death?

KSD: Twenty-two hours of CCTV recordings deleted and yet no foul play?

Patriot: And our good old ex-chief judge would now come out and crow that he had nothing to do with the verdict and that it shows the judiciary is not influenced and free from government interference.

The biggest joke is that the CCTV recordings were found to be tampered with. This fact alone is enough to suggest that there was foul play.

Kangaroo: As expected.

DILA: "Coroner Aizatul said since Ahmad Sarbaini was in the room alone, he decided to go out of the pantry window where the court believed that the deceased may have suffered an optical illusion thinking that the badminton court was close by."

Even a child will not belief this.

Aloysius Ting: Let us wait for the next accidental fall from MACC building...

Kgen: Umno has corrupted the police, the MACC, the judiciary and even the medical profession.

There is no justice for ordinary citizens who can just be killed with impunity and the police will make a show of investigating and the court will say either suicide or misadventure.

Umno is profoundly evil and I am ready to face hudud anytime rather than continue to be governed by Umno.

Cala: Judging from the spate of complaints, the outpouring of anger, and the incredulous verdict of the coroner, it looks like Malaysia's rule of law is really going to the dogs.

What do you expect from a judiciary which has been made docile by Dr Mahathir Mahathir? But there is another way to establish the credibility of the coroner since he is part of the decaying system.

If we examine the worldwide governance indicators on Malaysia, and compare it with First World nations, we get on the rule of law for 2008: Malaysia (0.49); America (1.65); Singapore (1.73); and Iceland (1.91).

Clearly, one can deduce that the standard of our judiciary leaves a lot of room for improvement. Now take a look at the set of six figures, and notice every one of them is going south.

Onyourtoes: I think we are fast becoming a nincompoop country. We one individual for no good reason committed suicide while in MACC building. Now we have another person who died accidentally while in another MACC building.

Sarbaini was an adult, but somehow he could accidentally fall from the building. How come no MACC officers have fallen from the same building before this?

Then there was this observation - he was unconscious when he fell. So the only conclusion I could make is he must have climbed on the window ledge while in the state of unconsciousness.
Surely the deletion of video was not done on purpose. The MACC security loves to delete video recording, and I wonder why.

CiViC: No surprise here. But just wait and see if the government will bring those who defamed the dead to justice. Or are we expecting another double standards here? - Malaysiakini

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