Thursday, September 1, 2011

Daughters of Merdeka

Tunku Munawirah Putra, grand-daughter of Tunku Abdul Rahman; Tan Siok Choo, grand-daughter of Sir Tun Tan Cheng Lock and daughter of Tun Tan Siew Sin; and Kunjari Sambanthan, daughter of Tun VT Sambanthan have interesting stories to tell about Malaysia's founding fathers and the values they stood for in our Daughters of Merdeka series at 8am.

Tunku is probably best remembered for a man who lived a full life, one of compassion for others, and perhaps his weakness was that he was too nice a man. He may have vices but he was said to have a good heart. Sometimes I wonder if he was the last Prime Minister of Malaysia and it's a shame that he was not treated better.

The Tans were known for their business acumen and Confucius sense of obligation to family and nation. Some Chinese may still have misgivings about their contribution - saying they should not have agreed to the special privileges. It's difficult to argue what could have been done better but it was better than not having representation and citizenship.

Siok Choo points out a remarkable characteristic of Siew Sin was that he believed in financial prudence and was successful in containing inflation and ensuring a stronger Ringgit vis-a-vis the Singapore dollar. Siew Sin was Malaysia's second finance minister, also the longest serving, and the last Chinese to helm that position. I long for a return to such times where finance ministers would consider themselves trustee of the country's finances and not spend like there's no tomorrow. Maybe it's time to bring on a Chinaman again. The non-Chinese who question the loyalty and contributions of the Chinese to this country should listen to Siok Choo and Yuen Yuet Lengs' interviews.

Sambanthan was a charismatic leader and ahead of his generation. Judging by the crop of Indian leaders we have had, he's a hard act to follow.

Interview with Tunku Muna

Interview with Siok Choo was picked up by The Malaysian Insider when she praised Lim Guan Eng for his thriftiness

Interview with Siok Choo

Interview with Kunjari, by Chuang

The promo ad was based on Sukiyaki as sung by Saloma. The background instrument and melody reflected the era.

- The Laughing Tigress

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