Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Guan Eng's Pak Lah syndrome

Be wary of your advisers, Guan Eng. Not too long ago, Abdullah Badawi's advisers adopted a strategy on how to make the new PM look good: try and make Mahathir look bad, demonize the ex-PM and blame everything possible on Abdullah's predecessor.

Well, as history has it and we are all witness to Lah's tragedy, the strategy didn't quite work.

But the advisers have landed themselves with another job: to make Lim Guan Eng look good. Unfortunately for the Penang CM, they have adopted the same strategy. Caught on audio, Lim Guan Eng trying to make himself look good by making Johor look bad.

Video/audio courtesy of TV3 via Unbecoming of a CM at Apanama.

- rocky's bru

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