Wednesday, September 28, 2011

'Syabas' to SYABAS

I am not sure whether Syabas was informed about renovation as a matter of course, or their meter reader took note and changed the water rate from residential to industrial which obviously incurred higher charges. For example, water charges below a certain amount (Rm20?) in Selangor is free, whereas under industrial classification, the minimum is Rm36 (cannot be free) and the rates progressively higher than residential.

To get the classification changed upon completion of renovation works, the procedure is cumbersome which takes time and therefore to the advantage of Syabas. Some of the requirements I was told, include water bills, even electricity bill(!), photo of the house, and confirmation from the local council (?) that construction has been completed!

So, this is just a minor example of what we get for having water privatized to some cronies on extremely favourable terms to them, at the expense of the public.

- KoSong

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