Thursday, October 27, 2011

Guan Eng: Umno a party of 'dirty men'

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has trained his sights on Umno's official online media over allegations of sexual misconduct involving his young son.

NONELim threatened legal action, demanding a retraction and apology from the portal for its Oct 20 "exclusive" report headlined : "Dari Rambut Panjang ke Gejala Dadah, Guan Eng makin berputar belit". (From long hair to drug problems, Guan Eng continues to twist his words).

The report stated that Lim, after being pressured by several quarters to clarify his son's "moral case", has issued conflicting statements to blind the eyes of the rakyat.

Lim initially claimed that his son was transferred to St Xavier's Institution from SMJK Heng Ee because the youth wanted to sport long hair, alleged the news portal.

internet article attacking lim guan eng 261011 article in umno-onlineHowever, a Chinese language daily on Oct 19 reported that his son had moved to another school because Lim was worried about negative social problems and drug syndicates allegedly operating in the school.

"This is another slander. I never said such a thing. This is not said by some pro-Umno blog, this is the party's official media," he said.

What says the DPM now?

Lim produced a copy of a report in Guang Ming Daily, which denied that it had reported the comment as stated by Umno Online.

internet article attacking lim guan eng 261011 quoted guan min dailyHe then went ballistics when pro-Umno blogs, including Papagomo, started alleging that his son was transferred out of school for molesting a female schoolmate.

The blogs featured the photos of Lim's 16-year old son and Anya Corke, the alleged molest victim.

It has since emerged that Corke, currently studying in the US, has not been in Malaysia for the past seven years, and has never metthe teenager.

"What say Deputy Chief Minister Muhyiddin Yassin now?" he queried, at a press conference after attending a Deepavali open house in Penang Time Square yesterday.

Lim is still sore with Muhyiddin who reportedly said his clarification on his son's case was "not strong enough".

Muhyiddin has since clarified that his words had been “putar belit”(twisted) and “inaccurately” reported.

Umno leaders, including Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, have distanced themselves from the accusing bloggers.

'Obsessed with sex'

Meanwhile, Lim further castigated Umno Online as a blog "owned by a party which is so obsessed with sex" that it even slanders the young.

NONE"Fight me but leave out my son. Overthrow me, do anything to me but leave my kids alone," he lamented.

"We never touched young children of BN politicians," he claimed.

Lim, who is DAP national secretary, also wants Umno leaders to apologise for the website's report and said he regretted the latter's rudeness towards his young son.

He added that although all sectors, including the school and the alleged victim have denied the allegations, Umno continues to play up the issue.

He reiterated his attacks against Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin for the latter’s tweet on the matter, saying he is "dirty-minded young man".

The DAP has lodged a police report over Khairy's "Buah Dada (breasts)" tweet, and the party's national chairperson Karpal Singh had even tried to move a motion in Parliament to censure the Rembau MP.

"How can an Umno leader joke like this? Khairy, you will grow up to be a dirty old man".

"This is not surprising because Umno is full of dirty old man, and MCA is no different," he added.

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