Friday, October 28, 2011

The illogic of Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali

YOURSAY 'It is really ironic for Perkasa to hold a ‘national unity' conference on the holy day of Deepavali. It shows how insensitive these bigots are.'

Perkasa backs national unity, declares Ibrahim Ali

Manjit Bhatia: Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali claims: "We have 120,000 card-carrying members and another 180,000 are being processed - the application forms are piling up. We expect to have 500,000 members by the next general election."

Of the expected 500,000 members, how many are Indonesian illegal migrants given Malaysian citizenship overnight?

One more thing: The organisation's theme, 'Perkasa, catalyst for unity', is a misnomer. If Ibrahim Ali is at all capable of truth-telling, he knows that the group's theme is in fact ‘Perkasa, catalyst for racism, lies, disunity and disorder'.

The central tenets by which Perkasa stands for was dreamed up one day in Ibrahim Ali's toilet. Indeed, that's where the 500,000 membership is being piled up.

Anonymous2: Ibrahim Ali, we don't want your version of national unity. We don't believe in your version of social contract, nor we ever agreed to it. We don't need your vote, because you most likely only vote for yourself anyway.

We do not insult Islam, only you and your ilk bring shame to Islam because of the way you act, the words you say; and the way you disrespect all other races and religions.

Ksn: Ibrahim Ali, you expect any non-Malay and non-Muslim to believe you. Probably, by national unity you meant Malay unity, Muslim unity, PAS-Umno unity, that sort of unity, right?

What happened to you, Ibrahim? After the Himpun fiasco with the shameful turnout, where you were the star attraction, are you beginning to realise that the Malay Muslims will not be taken for ride by racial venom, especially from an empty vessel like you?

No, I should be wrong as guys like you cannot change and do not have the capacity to assess the Malay mood. They have grown up, Sir. Have your patron and your behind-the-scenes backers betrayed you as they must have realised that you are becoming a huge liability?

Count your days, Ibrahim, as election draws nearer. Look who is talking about national unity after all the abuses you have poured on the Chinese and others.

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: By the same token the vast majority of Malays and virtually all Chinese and Indians will not vote for any candidate endorsed by a right-wing, racist and fascist party like Perkasa.

Ibrahim Ali's idea of national unity is a Malay/Muslim dominated state where the non-Malays/Muslims including the East Malaysian bumiputeras must remain submissive and subservient to a dominant political agenda that is based on racial and religious supremacy and all other minorities relegated to a second or third-class status within the country.

Such a vile and destructive ideology will only lead this country to ruin.

Anonymous: Perkasa is trying to project itself as more influential and important than it really is. The truth of the matter is that as a ultra-racialistic NGO that champions Malay rights, it is actually seen as a pariah in the eyes of the non-Malays.

So don't try to hoodwink the non-Malays that it supports national unity. Their past actions do not match what they are saying now.

Kgen: The shame is that this racist Ku Klux Klan-style right-wing group practising Nazi ideology is supported and endorsed by the ruling party.

They got their Registrar of Societies registration in a snap and even a newspaper licence. Perkasa is the real face of Umno when you drop all the window dressings about 1Malaysia.

What Perkasa cannot get into their pea brains is that bumiputera privileges are subsidised by other races. The government cannot give anything to anyone without taking from someone else.

When Perkasa has driven away all productive non-Malays, there will be no more bumi privileges.

Faz: In every country, there will be many unsavoury organisation as Perkasa. The best to do is to ignore these misfits, as opposing them will make news for them. Let us focus on what they actually do, as action is louder than words.

For sure, their words will fall flat in contrast to their actions - just look at their Bersih 2.0 debacle.

Generally, Malays/Muslims are intellectually better off now in differentiating the woods from the trees. Look at the turnout for Himpun, which is exclusively a Malay/Muslim event supported by Umno.

Malaysian 53: I notice Perkasa is attracting people whose ‘shelf-life' has expired long ago. I really wonder why characters such as the ex-police chief were at the Perkasa annual meeting.

As for the former Mahathir's cabinet ministers, they must have lost their senses just like their boss.

Armageddon: Ibrahim, Perkasa's struggle to defend the constitution is most honourable and I am glad to hear that your organisation does have a manifesto.

All this while, I thought you are just a roadside gangster serving Umno to do or say all the nasty things that Umno is shy to do.

But are you the real defender of the whole constitution or you are just being selective? Do you also support, freedom of speech and freedom to assembly, which are also part of the constitution.

I doubt it. So don't mislead the public. Good luck with your membership drive to get 500,000 members. I bet, 499,999 are Umno members, plus yourself as independent.

Cala: The illogical Ibrahim Ali - the claim made by Perkasa chief that it is the catalyst of unity is both laughable and ridiculous, which is void of any empirical evidence. If there is anything, the opposite of what he has claimed is true.

The presence of a mono-ethnic organisation such as Perkasa will only build walls amongst different ethnic groups in a pluralistic society.

Jorgen Rasmussen in his book ‘The process of politics: A comparative approach' posited that organisations should preferably have people with different ethnic background as such arrangement would allow divergent views, and in the end, there is a lesser chance that extreme position be taken by any particular organisation.

Back to Perkasa, how can other ethnic groups join it when it professes to advance only the interests of a specific group?

Tkc: It is really ironic for Perkasa to hold a ‘national unity' conference on the holy day of Deepavali. It shows how insensitive and arrogant these bigots are.

If these clowns can just learn to chill on a public holiday, call, text, email or visit their Indian friends - instead of, once again, reminding Indians and Chinese to be grateful - Malaysia would be a pleasant and beautiful country to live in.

Keturunan Malaysia: As they say, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." - Malaysiakini

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