Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lawyer: Who says Chin Peng is ill/coma?

Lawyer: Who says Chin Peng is?

A lawyer who represented former secretary-general of the Communist Party of Malaya Chin Peng has denied that the veteran fighter is in a coma.

Chan Kok Keong said that the rumours that Chin Peng, whose real name is Ong Boon Hua, is incorrect.

"He is fine and not in a coma as some media reported," said the lawyer.

Chan said he had contacted Chin Peng's caretaker in Thailand, who had reported his true condition.

Chan said he had also just spoken to Chin Peng on the phone, and the former CPM secretary-general told him: "I am in the best of my health."

"I do not know how come this rumours came to exist. He is in Bangkok, but he is definitely not in a hospital as reported," said Chan.

"Rumours of his ill health or the doctors calling for his family are untrue."

Chan represented Chin Peng in his legal bid to return back to Malaysia.

However, the Federal Court had disallowed the bid after he failed to provide documentary evidence to prove him is a citizen of Malaysia.

Lawyers representing him had claimed that Chin Peng - who hails from Setiawan, Perak - had lost his birth certificate during the communist insurgency.

The lawyer had even obtained former inspector general of police Abdul Rahim Nor's consent as a witness to testify.

Rahim was the Special Branch chief who signed the Hatyai Accord with Chin Peng to end four decades of hostility.

- Malaysiakini

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