Monday, October 3, 2011

Mystery witness to testify tomorrow

A mystery witness is scheduled to take the stand tomorrow to testify in Anwar Ibrahim's defence in the Sodomy II trial.

The defence team was tight-lipped as to the identify of the individual, even when asked by the prosecution and the court.

sankara nair bukit aman teresea kok isa arrest pc 170908 02Defence lawyer Sankara Nair (left)would only say that the person will testify after Chemistry Department director-general Lim Kong Boon.

Met outside court, Sankara said the witness is not an alibi witness and is not on the prosecution list.

"I cannot reveal the name of the person or who it is, for fear that (the person) may be pressured between now and tomorrow," he said.

"This is our witness. All I can say is the witness will come tomorrow to testify."

The defence team had indicated at a previous session of the hearing that an additional witness would testify.

In addition, spine specialist Dr Thomas Hoogland, who had operated on Anwar's back in 2004, will also testify.

[More to follow]

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