Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Opposition MP moves to dock PM's salary by a month

Opposition parliamentarian Tian Chua has filed a motion to deduct one month of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s salary, citing “problems and shortcomings” in the latter’s administration of the government.

The motion submitted on Oct 27 under Standing Order 66(9) has been slotted to be discussed after Question Time at 11.30am tomorrow before the Supply Bill 2012 committee stage debate.

Tian Chua (PKR-Batu) told reporters at the Parliament lobby today that he wants to dock a month of Najib’s income, or 22,826.65.

“Since Najib took over in April 2009, there have been unresolved problems and too many issues have surfaced,” he said.

“Indirectly this is akin to a motion of no confidence in the prime minister’s leadership and administration,” said Tian Chua.

[More to follow]

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