Sunday, October 2, 2011

Utusan lodges report against Namewee

The editorial department of Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia has lodged two police reports against rapper-film maker Namewee over his tirade against the newspaper and its journalist Fauziah Arof following their criticisms of his latest movie 'Nasi Lemak 2.0'.

azlanAccording to anUtusan report dated Oct 1, the reports follow what it said were Namewee's “abuse of multimedia facilities” to disparage Utusan's image and “extreme accusations” against Fauziah for her article 'Bukan Nasi Lemak 2.0, soalnya Namewee' (Not Nasi Lemak 2.0, the problem is Namewee), was appeared on Sept 21.

Fauziah had written that that although many had given the thumbs-up to Namewee's latest offering, she is not interested in watching it even if she were offered a free movie ticket.

She then recounted several video clips made by Namewee, which she said had offended many people and insulted Muslims in the country, including the controversial Negarakuku.

Namewee, whose real name is Wee Meng Chee, had in turn blastedUtusan and Fuziah in his video in which he spews a liberal dose of profanity amidst colloquial Malay.

azlanHe also argued that all the songs composed by him are patriotic in nature and that Fauziah's accusations to the contrary may stem from her inability to understand the lyrics.

Namewee then raps the 'brainless' Fauziah for writing her article without watching his movie first.

According to Utusan's legal advisor Mohd Jefri Daman, Namewee's video measuring 2:43 minutes also contains “negative” public comments against the newspaper and the journalist.

“Namewee's action is seen as (trying to) lowering the dignity of the journalist and Utusan Malaysia as racists, stupid, pulling down the image of the company, and containing extreme accusations and containing profanities,” Mohd Jefri was quoted as saying in Utusan Malaysia.

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