Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another teen suffers NS abuse

A teenager was allegedly punched and kicked in the stomach by National Service trainers in the Tasik Cini camp.

KUALA LUMPUR: An 18-year-old boy from Labis, Johor has claimed that he was assaulted by 11 National Service (NS) trainers and that despite him having lodged a report no action had been taken against them.

Tan Hao Hong said today he was hospitalised after he was punched and kicked following a misunderstanding with one of the trainers named “Sam”. The alleged assault took place on Aug 29.

Tan claimed ‘Sam’ held grudges against him since he first joined the NS programme in Tasik Cini, Pahang.

“I was playing with him..held his hand and put it on my legs. The person got angry and then punched me in the stomach and asked me to visit him in a room,” Tan said in his police report lodged at the Brickfields police station today.

The police report was made into copies and distributed to the media at Parliament lobby here.

Tan came with his father and they were accompanied by DAP lawmakers including Seputeh MP Teresa Kok who acted as his translator.

“At about 2230 hours, I went and met the trainer and when I arrived at the room I was punched by him. Then came 11 other trainers to beat me up,” explained Tan.

Shocking abuse

He also claimed the trainer had asked him to give him five sticks of cigarettes.

Tan said he went and complained to the camp’s supervisor and was later taken to the Kuantan Hospital for treatment.He was warded for a day. Tan suffered injuries on the head, stomach and neck.

Tan’s father told reporters that despite the medical leave given, the training camp would not allow Tan to leave the programme.

But after negotiations with the supervisor, Tan was allowed to leave the premise and lodge a police report.

“I was shocked to see the trainer who beat me up still present at the camp. I just don’t want to go back there,” said Tan in Mandarin, adding that he is now traumatised by the incident.

Froms deaths to sexual abuses, dozens of complaints have been made against the national service programmes which was introduced in 2003.

There have also been allegations of racial abuses by trainers who are predominantly Malays.

The shocking revelations year in and year out have led to calls by parents for its closure.

But the government has remained defensive of the programme, saying it is necessary to promote racial integration and instill patriotism.

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