Monday, November 28, 2011

Double-speak !

Take a good look at Satan in the picture above.Focus on tongue is encouraged. (don't get any other ideas apart from what's written below.)

This is the tongue of a politician. With this tongue a politician will promise you mostly heaven and make all your problems look like they would be solved the minute you voted him in. With this tongue he would tell you the sweetest things you want to hear more so if he's got everything to lose if he lost an election. More so if his loss is blamed, in domino effect, the fall of the entire party and history, re-written. This is the double-speak tongue a politician of the BN will use at will. For nearly 54 years the lies and the double-speak has been churned out continuously that I want to puke everytime I hear one of them speak now.

BN a party that thrived on lies, nepotism, cronyism, corruption and savagery and even unleashed fear into the hearts of it's citizens should they vote otherwise. A party that thinks they have brain-washed the mind-sets of the rural folks into think they are the "saviors" to this country. This party is nearing extinction with it's crass behavior of its uncouth members, hundreds of scandals from robbing or siphoning public coffers of billions of tax-payers ringgits, absolute corruption to abuse of power by the authorities, raping the Judiciary and Police and spreading racism and to even murder. And we the rakyat are to be blamed time and again for being "sold" by this double-speak party.

Now take a look of just a few examples in the clips below.
Somehow I notice most of the video clips featuring Najib and that old racist , the Tun, have been"spammed" by cyber-troopers. Very timely too !

The buck stops here !

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