Tuesday, November 1, 2011

GE-13 on December 9, 2011?

GE-13 on December 9, 2011?

Speculation is rife that Malaysia will hold snap general elections on December 9. Prime Minister Najib Razak, now in Mecca performing his pilgrimage prayers, is expected to dissolve Parliament once he returns on November 9.

"One month is sufficient for the EC to get everything ready. They are supposed to be prepared anyway. But this is only if Najib feels inspired after his Haj. If not, then it is next year," an Umno watcher told Malaysia Chronicle.

To those who have been following the GE-13 guessing game, this is a surprise. Most had expected November, with December being too afflicted by rainy weather. When it became clear November was no longer possible, the expectation was for March or April 2012.

A wet surprise for Pakatan?

But there are those who say that such are the conditions that Najib is looking for. The most important was the element of surprise against arch enemy Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition.The second was that the rains may keep the turnout low, which would favor the unpopular BN.

The Pakatan is much better prepared this time around, compared to 2008 when they swept 5 of the country's 13 states. However, Pakatan expects to face massive vote rigging and has not put in place as many checks as it would prefer before going to the ballot box.

Pakatan may also decide against following Najib in dissolving the legislative assemblies in Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan so as to be able to better focus on the other states.

Technically, the mandate to rule does not expire until after March 2013.

"We have to brace ourselves and keep alert or we will be committing suicide. But personally, I still think Najib will wait until 2012 after the Budget goodies and cash hand-outs have been distributed before he breaks up Parliament ," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

Malaysia Chronicle

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