Thursday, December 1, 2011

Haji Najib: Umno more democratic than parties A, B and C

In his 2011 policy speech that highlights various important points in the nation’s and Umno’s history, party president Haji Najib Abdul Razak attacks the opposition, saying it is not democratic.

Compared with Umno, which allows a larger number of delegates to elect its leaders directly, the opposition is not democratic, Najib claimed.

NONE“We allow many people in Umno to choose their leaders and Umno is not a party that is afraid of democracy, compared with our competitors,” he said.

“We are not like the opposition parties. In fact, Umno embraces democracy as in the English saying, ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’.”

In six decades, Umno has continued to lead the country and the party has the records to prove it, Najib said.

“We have never dominated or intended to dominate other component parties,” he said.

“We are not a racist party, but wse work towards national development.”

NONEAttacking the opposition, especially PKR and Anwar Ibrahim, Najib said they have a leader who is not chosen democratically.

“Furthermore, in PKR, the party president is the wife of the de-facto leader and their eldest daughter becomes the vice-president. We do not need to say anything.”

Setting his sights on the DAP, Najib said the party says it is democratic in name, but it is not democratic.

“Is it democratic when only branch delegates choose 20 central committee members and then they in turn select the party leaders?

“Certainly, this is not representing the will of the members.”

On PAS, Najib, who is also the prime minister, said it was fighting for a welfare state, but its position of mursyidul am (spiritual adviser) was not elected democratically.

“This person (mursyidul am) is more powerful than the president,” he said.

“Compared with Umno as the leading party, we work together with component party members, where we have to be pragmatic, realistic and sincere.

“We believe in each other and have relied on each other since Merdeka. This is how we work in building the country towards development,” Najib said.

‘We must be close to the people’

Whatever the challenges, Najib, the first party president born after Merdeka, said the members must ensure that Umno wins.

“We must be close to the people. Umno must realise that in a democratic system, there is no place to come in second. We must be the champions,” he said.

He reminded the delegates that what the country has today was not built in a short span of time.

NONE“It was built carefully, there were a lot of struggles and difficulties, as these were built by our forefathers, the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Iban, Kadazan and others, including the Orang Asli and Thais.

“This ambition is their dream, that is to ensure a better future for all of us. It is continuing with the present generation to ensure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren,” he said.

“Remember, all this is due to Umno, the party that has contributed to everyone, not only the Malays but to other races as well.”

Wouldn’t it hurt, he asked, if there were others who wanted to destroy Umno’s massive contributions?

“Do we want to erase this history? They claimed Umno has made no contributions to their lives.

“If that is the case, who is the one who buried the Malayan Union? Who had fought for independence peacefully, if not this party?” Najib asked.

[More to follow]

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