Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Khairy admits ‘inappropriate’ remarks by some Umno Youth delegates

UPDATED @ 11:14:31 PM 30-11-2011
November 30, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 30 – Khairy Jamaluddin admitted today the remarks made by “one or two” Umno Youth delegates were “inappropriate,” in reference to some leaders use of foul language to attack Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

The Umno Youth chief(picture) said, however, the context of the delegates’ speeches needed to be looked at in its “totality”, saying that he was impressed with the overall quality of the issues raised by his members.

“One or two things were a bit inappropriate, but if you look at it in totality, it was quite good,” he told reporters here.

PR bashing served as a focal point in today’s Umno Youth assembly, with delegates resorting to the use of foul language and insults to get their points across.

Umno state youth chiefs took turns attacking PR parties with a specific focus on DAP, accusing the party of systematically eroding the rights of Malays in states like Penang and Kedah.

One leader, Shaik Hussein Mydin, claimed that Malays and Islam were at risk in Penang, and said that PKR and PAS had “no power” to stop the repression of the Malay community there.

“PKR and PAS are ‘bapok’ (transvestites) and ‘pondan’ (effeminate) as these days they have no power to challenge DAP.

“A vote for DAP is a vote for the destruction of Islam,” said the Penang Umno Youth chief to loud applause and shouts of “PKR, PAS tak ada telur!”

Honing in on the island’s PAS state chief Datuk Salleh Man and state executive councillor in charge of religious affairs Abdul Malik Kassim (PKR), Shaik Hussin repeatedly called them “pondan” and “bapok.”

He accused DAP of being an “enemy of Islam” and Malays in general, alleging that under Lim Guan Eng’s administration, Malay food stalls had been demolished and Malay businesses affected.

Responding to this, Khairy said merely attacking the opposition was “not enough” and that Umno needed to do more.

He told delegates that Umno Youth needed to fight PR based on policies, and to promote BN’s policies instead.

“What’s important now is victory. Everyone needs to work together.”

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