Monday, November 28, 2011

Penangites Move Into Action

This evening, a crowd of about 100 gathered at the Speakers Square, Esplanade for the Launching of Local Democracy Month 2011 and official opening ceremony by YB Chow Kon Yeow.

YB Chow Kon Yeow giving his opening speech

The Local Democracy month was organized with the objective of encouraging people to be constructively active in the discussion, planning and implementation of policies and services in Penang and local communities.

With the launching of this initiative, it is hoped that it will make Penangites more aware of the mechanism of local government as well as increasing awareness of the roles and functions of the various arms and agencies of the state and Municipal government.

The organizers also hope that this will be an open channel for as many citizens, especially those marginalized groups, to be involved and to share their ideas and experiences about how to effect positive change for our shared future.

Many events have been planned for the period including an anti-racism workshop, citizen education workshop, street busking,a photography competition and a Youth Parliament.

The event organised by Penang State Government, Suaram (Penang branch), Sembang-Sembang Forum, Campus Ministry Office, Amnesty International Malaysia, KOMAS, People's Green Coalition and SERI-Penang Institute ended by 6.30p.m. and was followed by a "Penangites peaceful assembly against the Peaceful Assembly bill" organized by SUARAM.

When the "Penangites peaceful assembly against the Peaceful Assembly bill" began, the response from the crowd was a clear indication of how much Penangites opposed this Bill even though there has been an announcement about some amendments which would be tabled prior to the debate on the Bill which will start Tuesday. Two speakers spoke during the peaceful protest - Datuk Dr. Toh Kin Woon and YB Jason Ong, PKR's Kebun Bunga assemblyman.

Datuk Dr. Toh Kin Woon speaking during the protest

YB Jason Ong speaking at the peaceful protest

Both speakers spoke passionately about why the Bill should not be passed and the importance of our right to assemble. YB Jason Ong expressed concern that the new Bill would in reality, infringe on our constitutional rights to freedom of assembly

The crowd roaring for the proposed Bill to be dropped.

The other provisions in the bill which are objectionable include:

  • Prohibition of organisation of assemblies by persons below the age of 21 years.
  • Prohibition of participation in peaceful assemblies of children below the age of 15 years.
  • Unduly onerous responsibilities and restrictions on organisers and assemblies.
  • Excessive fines for non-compliance of the bill.
There was no untoward incident at the peaceful protest and it was refreshing to note the absence of police presence at the event which ended just before it started to rain - almost as if even the heavens are mourning our loss of democratic rights to assemble!

The Bar Council's Walk for Freedom on Tuesday will continue despite the concession from the government that it would consider reviewing a number of the provisions in the proposed Peaceful Assembly Bill. I congratulate the Bar Council for rising to the occasion to call its 14 000 strong members to march to the Parliament where the Bill will be debated.

As many rakyat should walk with the lawyers on that historical day!

Do read my post on Malaysians, Arise and Claim Our Fundamental Rights to see how you can voice your objection to this proposed Peaceful Assembly Bill which has caused civil society and concerned Malaysians to be up in arms against this Bill.

Batu PKR MP Tian Chua has even called upon BN component party Gerakan to stay true to its manifesto and join their Pakatan Rakyat colleagues by taking a stand against the Public Assembly Bill.

It is imperative that the authorities withdraw the Bill or refer it to a Parliamentary Select Committee to engage all stakeholders, the civil society, human rights groups and the political opposition in a meaningful consultation and full engagement, as exhorted by MP Lim Kit Siang.

- masterwordsmith

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