Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Perkasa: Act against Ambiga, the 'anti-christ'

Labelling lawyer Ambiga Sreenevasan “dajal” (anti-christ), Malay right-wing group Perkasa has demanded action against her for ‘promoting deviant teachings in encouraging homosexuality’.

Wira Perkasa's Irwan Fahmi Ideris said Ambiga is bringing in “a new religion” that incorporates human rights and encourages homosexuality alongside this.

NONEHe was commenting on the Seksualiti Merdeka workshop, which Ambiga (left) is slated to officiate on Nov 9.

“Perkasa is opposed to this because homosexuality is a deviant act, and the authorities should act against it. People have to recognise Islam as the official religion of the federation. Perkasa does not want to see such activities erode Islam and other religions.

“(Homosexuality) is also condemned by other religions. Hence, the police and the attorney-general’s chambers should act quickly (against Ambiga).

“Hundreds of police reports have been lodged against Ambiga but no action has been taken. It seems she is immune and we want this stopped.”

Irwan was speaking to Malaysiakini after submitting a memorandum to the inspector-general of police and lodging a police report at the Dang Wangi police station against Seksualiti Merdeka.

The programme, scheduled for Nov 9, is a festival meant to support and empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

Seksualiti Merdeka co-founder Pang Khee Teik has clarified that the event is not intended to support homosexual activity.

[More to follow]

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