Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Putrajaya’s ‘dirty’ hand in Pakatan villages

More than RM137.8 million spent by government to maintain over 3,000 separate federal-run village committees in Pakatan Rakyat-run states.

KUALA LUMPUR: More than RM137.8 million has been spent to maintain over 3,000 separate federal-run village committees in Pakatan Rakyat-run states.

After Pakatan won five states in 2008, the federal government formed 3,231 Federal Development and Security Village Committees (JKKKP) in Kedah, Perak, Penang and Selangor.

The Ministry of Rural and Regional Development revealed this in a written reply to Serdang DAP MP Teo Nie Ching, who asked about the number of JKKKPs and the expenses involved.

According to the ministry, the Perak JKKKPs (815 in total) were dissolved following the takeover of the state by Barisan Nasional.

“Expenses were incurred for the Perak JKKKPs until June 2009. From July 1, 2009, the JKKKPs were dissolved after the state government shifted from Pakatan Rakyat to BN rule,” it said.

The ministry also said that 765 JKKKPs were set up in Kelantan in 2010. However, this did not result in lowered expenditure.

It also revealed that the JKKKP expenditure for four Pakatan states (excluding Kelantan) in 2008 and 2009 were RM24.1 million and RM28.1 million respectively.

‘Dirty tactics to take back power in Perak’

JKKKP expenditure for the remaining Pakatan states in 2010 and 2011 were RM26.2 million and RM59.2 million respectively.

The ministry also claimed that the two-fold increase from 2010 to 2011 was due to increased allowances for individual JKKKP chairmen, and meeting attendance allowances.

Teo said that the JKKKP was nothing more than another way for BN to win back the rural community in Pakatan-run states.

“After they used dirty tactics to take back power in Perak, the JKKKPs ceased to exist.

“This shows that this JKKKP is only a political gimmick to continue to appoint their Umno, MCA and MIC people into the provision of the JKKKP,” she said.

She added that there was no use for JKKKPs, when state governments were already appointing and funding their own village committees (JKKK).

“They have no respect for the power of the state government or the people, so you have two organisations in Pakatan states, who are basically doing the same work,” Teo said.

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