Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rich leaders but poor leadership

YOURSAY 'Spending that amount of money on jewelleries while the rakyat struggle on sub-standard 1Malaysia minimarkets is grossly insensitive.'

PM slammed over daughter's 'RM200,000 shopping spree'

your sayOne Brain Cell: What's the point of becoming a tin-pot despot of a banana non-republic if you and your family can't go on an occasional shopping spree?

The Mugabes made a lot of businessmen very happy every time they walked into a department store. So did the Marcoses, the Suhartos and the Ben Alis.

Dictators and corrupt juntas are very good for the economy - they help increase the gross national debt. We all know the more you owe, the richer you feel.

Multi Racial: BN has becoming arrogant and insensitive. There are many wrongs in this alleged spending spree in Perth.

Firstly, as a father in this difficult time, how many of us would allow our children spent so lavishly?

Secondly, as the PM of the country attending an official function overseas, he knew they are watched closely. How can they be so insensitive? As PM, even it is your own money, you can't spend so openly like this.

Thirdly, Malaysians know how much the PM earns. Since Najib Razk's whole career is in politics, one can easily estimate his total income throughout his career. We know whether such lavish spending is within his ability or not. Please do not insult our intelligence.

In Malaysia, we don't have too much of a choice. We have a PM who is indecisive and has a credibility issue. And we have a DPM who is racist and selfish.

Malaysiawatch4.blogspot: The PM's daughter can spend as much as she likes if it's not taxpayers' monies.

But how did she fly over there? Was she put into an expensive hotel suite at taxpayers' expense? Do adult children get to enjoy the perks of the PM's office too?

Baiyuensheng: But what is wrong if they spend that kind of money if the money was theirs? The bloggers may be oversensitive.

Hope: There was some reminder some time back that we all should leave politician's children out of politics, no? Does this mean it's a free for all? You can trust the Umno bloggers go into full-metal jackets now.

Fairnessforall: Ministers' children who are under-aged should be left out, but that does not mean that once they are adults they can do what they like. They will also be scrutinised - what was the prime minister's daughter doing in the CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) delegation?

Why does she and Rosmah Mansor using taxpayers' money to go globe-trotting?

Bender: What is wrong is wrong. Such a show of lavish spending is clearly an insensitive move by the first family taking into account the current state of the rakyat.

Don't compare this to what was done to Lim Guan Eng's son. This is no slander, and this is not politics.

It's common sense - a leader spending that amount of money on necklaces and jewelleries, while the rakyat struggle to put food on the table and forced to spend with what little money they have in sub-standard 1Malaysia minimarket.

This is a grossly insensitive portrayal of poor leadership.

Anonymous_410a: ‘Too lazy' to answer the allegations? What kind of response is that?

It seems awfully similar to FLOM's (First Lady of Malaysia's) 'I have no time' response to the RM24 million ring. This is not a denial, but essentially a tactic to avoid answering the hard question.

They are buying time to clean up the evidence so that they can deny it later. These people must really be quite dumb to be doing this at this time.

Loyal Malaysian: I am no fan of the PM but sometimes those who are critical of him should draw a line on what's game in our attacks on him.

No doubt, the amount is no chicken feed but until and unless someone can show that the money is obtained illegally or corruptly, why train our sights there?

Athough the allegation of such a spending spree may be part of a campaign to show the Najib family's propensity to extravagance, why do we need to stoop so low?

Anonymous_417c: The couldn't care less attitude of the PM's wife and daughter shows their abject detachment from the daily hardships faced by Malaysians. Their behaviour is something that ordinary Malaysians will not be proud of.

Chicharito: Just look at the mother. Can we rely on her to look after the rural poor of Keningau or the interior of Kuala Tahan? Not a chance.

Anonymous_njdudkj: They can claim back the GST (goods and services tax) from the Australian government upon leaving the country.

Introducing GST in Malaysia will not affect the ultra rich who shop overseas and get exempted from paying taxes, but the middle and lower-income groups who shop in Malaysia will soon have to pay GST.

Whoever came up with such an idea of robbing the poor and needy to subsidise the rich and powerful will have to face God's judgment.

Artchan: Some people just want to show off that they can buy more than the others. It's mob mentality.

I once watched a group of rich-looking Malaysian tourists in London shopping at Harrods, and they were trying to outdo each other in their purchases. Some of them even walked away with a few handbags.

Chong Yoke Leng: I thought Malaysia was never under the British as a colony? If so, can history experts please explain why Najib was attending CHOGM in Perth?

MatrixLYN: I sometimes wonder if all this is plotted by DPM Muhyiddin Yassin and other Umno members to bring down Najib, rather than the opposition.

Muhiyiddin will stand to benefit most if Najib falls, just like Najib when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi fell after the last general election.

1M: PM: "My daughter did not do it." DPM: "Denial is not good enough, go make a police report." - Malaysiakini

MALAY: Blogger Rocky's bru claims Najib's daughter was NOT in Perth Australia. Read this post to find out more :

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