Wednesday, November 30, 2011

RM1.8mil tourism campaign sparks queries

The DAP’s Rasah MP Anthony Loke has demanded an explanation from Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen as to why close to RM1.8 million had been spent on a Facebook campaign.

anthony loke dapReferring to a written parliamentary reply providing a breakdown, he said the eight-month campaign saw:

- RM600,000 to build six Facebook applications

- RM558,432 on contest prizes

- RM360,000 on advertisement space on Facebook and Google

- RM160,000 to manage and moderate the Facebook page wall post, generate and control official content about tourism, and to respond to fans particularly on tourism products, programmes and promotions

- RM80,000 to respond to queries by Facebook fans and maintain the database

“RM160,000 for the Facebook page wall post ... isn't it scandalous?" he remarked at the Parliament lobby this afternoon.

"I am interested in how Ng is spending money at the ministry. She has tried to escape from all this and tried to justify without giving details. Now that the details have come out, how (is she) going to justify it?"

Grand prize

He also wants the minister to justify the expenditure on contest prizes when only a few grand prizes were handed out and the most expensive item was a Canon EOS60D camera.

"According to the advertisement here, there is only one grand prize. Even if you run the campaign every two months, only a few iPads would be given out," he noted of the ministry’s Facebook contest.

Where the prizes are holiday trips, hotels would be more than happy to sponsor these without the ministry having to spend money, he claimed.

"I'm sure if Ng approaches (Penang) Chief Minister (Lim Guan Eng), the (state) tourism board can sponsor them,” he added.

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