Saturday, November 26, 2011


Was a good day….more pluses and just a few minuses.

The minus #1 - The whole cleaning crew was out cleaning up the fountain area this Saturday thus not allowing anyone around the fountain. I asked a macik if they usually do this on a Saturday. “Selalu hari isnin.” The message was loud and clear.

Minus #2 – the service at Malones sucks. We were warming up for the gathering.

Minus #3….the gathering was not what I expected. Considering the impact of this Bill if passed, the response was minimal. There were around less than 300. I said this when interviewed: Thanks to the brave people who turned up today. However, we as a people have awoken up, but many have not got out of bed. Awake but still lolling in bed! Bangkit people!

Plus #1: On the LRT I was reading I, Steve….a book that Patrina brought back for me. I didn’t notice a young lady until she sat down opposite me and I noticed that she was pregnant. I apologized: I am sorry I did not offer you my seat. I did not notice your condition until you sat down. Her reply: Don’t worry Uncle. You would if you had known. That made my day.

Plus #2: Never arranged but the usual suspects were there ….part of the Special Bunch!

Plus #4: Royalty from Perlis and Seramban graced the occasion.

Plus #3: The Mayor of Jalan Changkat brought along his heir and heiress. Will they fine parents RM20,000 for bringing kids to protests?

Plus #5: SK whom I have not met in months was here too. I had the parched look and he bought me a pint.

Plus #6: Dian called out to me. I turned and Pak Idrus took this pic.

Plus #7: This is the BIGGEST plus. Hah Thiam Khean whom I have not seen for ages after he left for US as an Intel employee, was there with his friends. He came in this morning from Penang and was heading back to Penang for a friend’s wedding after the gathering. THAT TO ME IS COMMITMENT, to this cause. Thanks Thiam Kheang. Your late Pa would be proud of you. You mother and your brothers Nic and Kelvin too would.

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