Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Clarify Isa's position in Felda, regulator urged

Anak, an NGO representing Felda settlers, has lodged a second complaint to the Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM), asking it to clarify whether Isa Abdul Samad is indeed the chairperson of Koperasi Permodalan Felda Bhd (KPF).

This is due to conflicting accounts on Isa’s position. A letter from the prime minister dated Aug 15, 2011, had appointed Isa as chairperson.

However, in response to the Anak’s inquiries, SKM said that Isa had yet to be appointed to the post as of Nov 10, based on its own investigations.
SKM also cited the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Ahmad Maslan reportedly telling the Malay daily Utusan Malaysia on Oct 25, that Isa had yet to be appointed as chairperson of KPF.

The association is also dissatisfied that SKM’s response has not addressed the issue of Isa’s membership in the cooperative. It claims that Isa is ineligible to be a member.
“We ask for a proper stand from SKM on whether Isa had truly become a member of Felda cooperative,” said Anak chairperson Mazlan Aliman(right), who is also a PAS central committee member.

“Only employees of Felda and its subsidiaries with permanent positions are eligible to become KPF cooperative members, whereas Isa works as chairperson of KPF by contract only,” they wrote in a previous complaint to SKM, citing the cooperative’s bylaws.

Mazlan hopes for a response from SKM before Jan 5, when an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) would be held to address issues relating to Felda Global Ventures Holdings’ listing on Bursa Malaysia.

Anak, which opposes the Bursa listing, has already filed for aninjunction to block the EGM, which would be heard at the Kuantan High Court on Jan 4, one day before the EGM.

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