Friday, December 2, 2011

A competition on who's more racist

YOURSAY ‘For Muhyiddin to admit 'Yes, I am racist, but others are more racist', is totally unbecoming of a DPM.'

Others are 100 times more racist, claims Muhyiddin

your sayVoteforChange: Muhyiddin Yassin, Umno is the party forever talking about defending Malay rights but the DAP never even once talked about defending Chinese rights. That makes Umno racist.

You claim that DAP is anti-Malay but your stooge, MCA, claims that DAP is anti-Chinese. BN, please make up your mind - is DAP anti-Malay or anti-Chinese?

In any civilised country, the minority is protected with the majority having to make small sacrifices but here in Bolehland, the minority is suppressed and has to give way for the majority.

The bulk of taxes come from the minority and if the minority emigrates, the majority is left to eat grass when the bulk of the income is lost.

What would there be there be left of the ‘special rights' given to the Malays? This is simple economics. Yet these Umno leaders fail to see this. I am Malay, by the way.

Not Confused: Racism is declaring one race to be supreme and more important than other races within the country; it is providing one race with more opportunities and advantages (out of all the taxpayers' money) over all other races; it is forcing other races to compete on an uneven playing field - rather like competing in a boxing match with your opponent having one hand tied behind his back; it is permitting (by inaction and keeping silent) organisations from one race to make outrageous statements about the other "inferior" races (calling them pendatangs and bangsa, for example).

It is time that those in Umno realise that the rakyat in general, including the growing enlightened Malays no longer accept the promotion and encouragement (usually by omission) of this kind of attitude, and they will be swept aside on a tide of anti-government sentiment in the coming election.

Anonymous: Is there a competition on who is more racist?

Muhyiddin is the deputy prime minister of the country who is supposedly leading Malaysians of all races. To blatantly say that he is a ‘Malay first and Malaysian second' is shocking enough.

Now to admit that "Yes, I am racist but others are more racist" is totally unbecoming of a DPM. Muyhiddin should be utterly ashamed of himself.

Narrish: Malays, Indians and Chinese got independence from British, but today the Indians and Chinese and other races need independence from Malays. A cold war is going on ... is this future of Malaysia?

TJK: "Although there was a time in history that Umno could form the government by itself in the first general election, we did not do so. We shared power," said Muhyiddin.

Should we go back in history to a time when Umno never existed, there were no race-based parties in Malaya, and everyone was living happily together?

Keepsmiling: It looks like power-sharing, but it not. Umno uses the concept of democracy to its advantage in full, so when they say something, the other parties cannot object because Umno is the majority.

The minority have to just tag along and wait for the crumbs, like the leaders of all the component parties.

AnSoN: I am a Chinese first and Malaysian second. I demand that all Malaysian syllabuses be in Chinese while I sent my children to study abroad.

I asked that special privileges be accorded to Chinese and I ask that the CEO of our country should only be Chinese. But I am not racist. Lim Guan Eng is more racist than me as he fought for the rights of all races.

Righteous: Isn't it about time that ‘Malaysian' is accepted as a race? All this special position and rights for Malays is being taken a little too far in order to gain a little political mileage. IN so doing, it only inflames everyone else.

In most other countries, the citizenship of a person dictates their race, why is Malaysia so different?

My THOR: At every Umno AGM, Umno delegates will go on bashing frenzy using religion and race as their weapon to prove to their Malay brothers they are safeguarding their interest when in actual fact their personal interest comes first.

With continuous bashing, Umno's delegates only succeeded in pushing the fence-sitters and educated citizens over to Pakatan Rakyat camp as many felt Umno had lost its vision and are unable to safeguard Malaysian of all races.

PM Najib Razak, your transformation is not working. Try harder before it is too late.

Changeagent: If others are 100 times more racist because they reject the concept of one race's supremacy over other races, or race-based affirmative policies instead of needs-based or meritocracy, then so be it. That is merely Umno's opinion.

But are others also 100 times more corrupt, 100 times more Machiavellian or 100 times more incompetent? I'm sure all discerning Malaysian voters already have an opinion about that.

Tsc: The worst thing that we have in Malaysia is the existence of Umno. We are facing a more competitive world but all Umno can talk about is race, nothing about raising our standard of education, healthcare, a better life for Malaysians, etc.

The only choice we have is to let Umno die a natural death by voting BN out.

Onyourtoes: Fellow Malaysians, never mind, even if a Chinese is appointed as PM, treat him as your manager - managing on your behalf the economy of Malaysia. If he is lousy, sack him and appoint a new one. That is what people power is all about.

For Umno, the prime-minister-ship means unfettered power, abusing it and enriching themselves. That is the only thing they understand and that is why they said Chinese can't be the prime minister.

I am just putting forth an argument. It is perfectly fine if an Indian or Kadazan is appointed PM, so long as that person is our manager, not our boss. - Malaysiakini

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