Thursday, December 1, 2011



UPKO will not relent in its call for the setting up of a RCI to clean up the electoral rolls as long as the questions related to the Project IC phantom voters were not answered. He said categorically that UPKO would not leave BN even in the event the BN government would not agree to this RCI as “the Project IC was done in the 80’s and 90’s. It was not done by the Present leaders”.

Firstly, why did UPKO ask for the RCI if “the Project IC was not done by the present leaders”? Didn’t you say “you would not relent in this call”?

Secondly, some of the BN leaders involved in this Project IC are still holding high positions; but local papers would not name their names and UPKO knows who they are. This being the case, would UPKO still be in BN come next general elections, after Tan Sri Bernard has met and urged PM to set up the RCI but refused?

Please search your soul UPKO come next GE when you beg the rakyat to vote for BN. This applies to all other non-UMNO BN components in Sabah if they are still in BN by then – they also urged for the RCI during the PSC hearing.

The recent PSC (on electoral reform) Public Hearing heard the call by all participants on the need to set up a RCI – on illegal immigrants, Project ICs and phantom voters in Sabah – except UMNO for reasons I had submitted in detail to the PSC:

1. The phantom voters’ IC numbers known and found in Sabah rolls.

2. Who were/are the phantom voters by going into details of Sabah’s extraordinary population increase since 1960.

3. What made this large number of Project IC phantom voters possible.

The huge number of foreigners – legal, illegal, refugees and Project IC citizens – has out numbered us genuine Malaysians in Sabah. This precarious situation concerns both Sabah’s and Malaysia’s security and sovereignty.

But the Federal government does not see it fit to set up the RCI – but it set up RCI when only one person involved like the late Teoh B H and Lingham. Where is the logic? Doesn’t Malaya worry about Malaysia’s sovereignty?

(NOTE : Dr. Chong Eng Leong is Security, Immigration and Electoral Reform Bureau in PKR Sabah)

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