Wednesday, December 28, 2011


KANGAR - The act of a  politician sitting in the car with another man's wife, invite serious consequences, when they realized the behavior of a group of Voluntary Patrol Scheme (SRS) officers who later called the village priest, before the couple were arrested on suspicion of khalwat. Incident occurred at 1:26 am near the resort in Sungei Balikpapan here last December 24.

 According to sources from the Perlis State Islamic Religious Department (Jaips), a 35-year-old man with a family, was arrested along with his female ​​partner of 30 years old in the Proton Wira, near the bushes. He said the couple involved initially noticed a group of SRS Kampung Sungai Baru, Sungai Batu Pahat, Sungei Balikpapan by the village priest was called for questioning the couple. 

"They were later arrested after failing to demonstrate the documents as evidence of a mahram or husband and wife relationship prior to submission to Jaips for further action. "Report on the couple was also made ​​in Kangar Police Station before the guaranteed by their families," he said Jaips office here yesterday.

 According to the source, the politician and the spouse present at Jaips office yesterday, to give evidence for an hour. "Evidence taken by the officers accused Jaips start at 9:45 am and ends 10:45 am, starting with the accused man followed by the other spouse. "At the moment, Jaips decided January 18, 2012 as the date of application to this case brought to the Syariah High Court of Kangar, as we still waiting for the evidence of witnesses that the couple's arrest, including the Imam, "he said.

The spokesman said, the couple was arrested and charged under Section 9 (1) (2), the Islamic Criminal Enactment of Perlis, 1991 to a fine not exceeding RM5, 000 or three years imprisonment or both if found guilty of the offence.SH

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