Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Real Relations with Race Relations Law?

Why have we come to a state where we need a Race Relations Act (RRA)?

It was reported in an online blog that ....Putrajaya will table a Race Relations Bill in March to regulate interaction among the races and foster mutual respect, de facto law minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz says.Nazri said that Malaysia’s Race Relations Bill would take after the British law in barring discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnicity and nationality in employment, provision of goods and services, education and public functions.... Malaysia Today

Is it a joke to have a RRA if we are not going to dismantle race based political parties? How do you foster interactions and mutual respect if everyone is screaming to safeguard Article 153 or to dismantle it and what have you?

Or is the RRA perfecting the accusation that BolehLand is one if not the only nation in this world where apartheid is practised? Okay there will be those who question if we even understand what apartheid is? For the uninitiated and those who use South Africa of 'ole' example, it's distinguishing humans based and distinguished by colour first. This reference is similar to the colour distinction that is being perpetuated and often people or rather races are reminded what race they belong too. All for the good of peace, muhibbah, mutual respect and what not?

Why are we in the first place continuing to harp on race and religion as the guiding principle in designing fiscal, economic, educational, social and even housing policies?

It's nice to hear the RRA will ensure no one is discriminated on the grounds of race blah, blah blah. Which means you got to dismantle and open up all those institutions that favour only one race group with one religious belief who have exclusivity in education, provision of goods and services, employment and public functions right?

Or are we going to be told like everything else in BolehLand is premised on the Constitution, Article 153 to be specific. Like the policy to eradicate poverty, NEP had that noble intention but was hijacked and turned into an 'apartheid; like policy.

Then the NEM, which again argues Article 153 as the decisive factor in implementing it.

And the most visible everyday reminder is this misnomer called 1Malaysia concept which again is premised on respecting the social contract which again points to Article 153.

This Article 153 is like a Roswellian Area 51 where it is safely guarded and noone knows if ever the truth is know what the real intentions of the founding fathers were when they crafted this Article.

It's even a crime among those given rights and privileges under the Article to disregard it. Even if they want to, they will be accused of being ungrateful, committing treason, sedition, threat to nation. It is like telling everyone, don't rock the boat or status quo! You'd make the politicians lose their job right? 

The RRA will be another farce like the Peaceful Assembly Act that latter pissing every citizen who values freedom of assembly.

The RRA will never bring about real relations if BolehLand and the politicians and race based NGOs insist that Tanah Melayu is demarcated, divided, segregated, walled up, compartmentalised, sliced and boxed into this thing called race+religion, i.e. one race+one religion supremacy over the rest!

If we treat humans as humans and accord them human rights & dignity, the question of race will not be brought up. Poverty cut across every colour, creed and age, so does discrimination, injustice and even exploitation and in BolehLand corruption, greed and what have you.

Sadly, citizens are reminded who is more deserving considered a human or worthy to be called children of God by virtue of colour and religion!!! 

To say that only one race is poorer that the others is to deny that there are worst off poorer people in other races who do not deserve to be helped just because of their colour and religious affiliation. Children of other races have to fend for themselves to educate themselves even if they cannot afford because too bad they don't belong to that race or want to be converted as a passport to obtain earthly privileges and rights?

The RRA will most likely be used to institutionlised further the race and racist mentality and attitude that politicians are trying so hard these days to create. It's like the DNA of BolehLand is distinguised by race and religion. All others are at the behest of the majority if they feel like it to let breadcrumbs fall from the master's table for the dogs to eat, to but it crudely and cruelly.

What is happening today is that those given that right and privileges are first in queue and the rest will get their dues only when the privileged have gotten all they have. Isn't this the reminder that is being drummed into the people?

Are the above just fairy tales and lies made up by those who feel they are made to be second class citizens or being discriminated along religious and cultural differences too? If they are lies as the politicians condemn those who dare to question Article 153, then we must accept the fact that we are practicing apartheid. 

For a No2 leader to say the government has never bullied or discriminated anyone and warn those questioning Article 153 is a precursor of what the RRA will be used for. To say something is enshrine is to make it like some God's edict and dictate! Will the RRA if it perpetuates what is enshrined likely become a Reinforcing Racism Affirmative Law in BolehLand? Will March confirm it or something radically good come out of it huh?

Either our government leaders are telling the truth racism doesn't exists and noone is being discriminated or bullied. Or, we citizens are so useless and behave like uncle kim's children to believe whatever the leaders tell us, say who we are, what we must and can believe and how we should behave.

Real relations is about accepting, respecting and even fighting against discrimination. Colour, religious belief, cultural differences are blurred or not in the equation right? The moment we distinguish ourselves as superior or are told we are better off than another, we are merely being nice to each other and tolerating our differences. No attempt is made to eliminate and break away the barriers that cause such need for tolerance in the first place. If we argue that justice is to be decided based on a social contract and colour and one's God, are we really practicing justice at all?

And we claim to build the best first class democracy the world has ever know? Well true in a sense because in BolehLand, we give total freedom and democracy to think up of shioksendiri ideas, policies and schemes.

Real relations with Race Relations Law? Bet the last freedom we have it will be as draconian as the ISA. And please don't even try and equate that our justice system is far superior than the British! - YAHMEH!!!

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