Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We don't need any Race Relations Act, claims Perkasa

A Malay rights non-governmental organisation feels despite recent unrest plaguing the country’s multi-racial population, there is no need for a Race Relations Act.

ibrahim ali perkasa 271211Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali said Malaysians of all races have co-existed well and lived harmoniously for 54 years without any conflict.

“Hence, there is no need for such a law to govern race relations in the country; as long as people do not question the social contract as underlined in the federal constitution under Article 153.

“We will see the draft of the Race Relations Act. However, whatever the Act introduces, it should not encroach on Islam as the official religion; the Malay language as the national language; and the special position of the Malays and rulers,” he added.

Ibrahim said that if everybody behaved and not question Article 153, and that if everybody recognised the disparity of economic well-being between Malays and non-Malays, then there will be no need for any additional Act.

“We have lived harmoniously for the last 54 years. We faced a problem once, that is May 13 and it had been 30 years ago.

“Hence, the system has worked well but now people are capitalising on the issue for political gain, especially after the March 8, 2008, election. They thought they had voted because of policies.
“I believe people rejected BN at that time because of the policy of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who was the prime minister at that time.” he added.
According to a report by Sin Chew Daily today, de facto Law Minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz said the new law would be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat in March.
He said that the Bill is modeled after a similarly named British law which will bar discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnicity and nationality in employment, provision of goods and services, education and public functions.

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