Sunday, January 29, 2012

Anwar: Gov't supports Israel and Palestine states too (with VIDEO)

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim today said that while he has been accused of supporting the security of Israel, the Malaysian government too supports the Jewish state, and its stance is similar to his.

He said this support is contingent on the creation of an independent Palestine state and respecting the rights of its people based on the two state-solution.

NONEQuoting Foreign Minister Anifah Aman's (left) statement at the United Nations General Assembly last year, he pointed that Anifah had said: "Malaysia fully supports the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people for an independent State of Palestine, based on the two-state solution, taking into account the security concerns of both parties (Israel and Palestine)."

"Clearly from the foreign minister's statement, Malaysia's policy is of preparedness to respect the rights of the Palestinians and Israelis to live in peace based on the guarantee that the rights of the Palestinians are not violated," said Anwar in a statement yesterday.

Anwar blasted quarters who had accused him of betraying the Palestinian cause, stressing that if a Palestinian state is allowed, then the rights of Israel should also be respected.

"I give a stern warning to any quarters who try to twist my words to slander me that I supposedly have betrayed the aspirations of the Palestinian people," he said.

Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin called on Anwar to explain his alleged commitment to uphold Israel's security.

This follows Anwar's Thursday interview in the Wall Street Journalwhich reported him as saying that he supported efforts to protect Israel's security but any relation with the Jewish state depends on its willingness to respect the Palestinian aspirations.

VIDEO where Anwar spoke about two-state solution:

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