Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cut all ties with Perkasa to prove sincerity, Guan Eng tells Najib

February 01, 2012
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 1 — Lim Guan Eng told Datuk Seri Najib Razak today to cut all ties with Perkasa, saying it is the only way to convince Malaysians that the controversial Malay rights group has no links with Barisan Nasional (BN).
The Penang chief minister said in a statement here that Najib’s “open support” for Perkasa only encourages the group to continue preaching “hate and extremism”.
Ibrahim Ali distributing money in white ang pow packets at Perkasa’s Chinese New Year open house last weekend.
Citing Perkasa’s recent distribution of white ang pow packets as an example, Lim said Najib’s failure to condemn the act indicated the prime minister was protective of the group “even at the expense of trampling over the sensitivities of the Chinese community”.
“Only by openly cutting off all ties and support with Perkasa can Najib and Umno convince Malaysians that Perkasa has nothing to do with BN.
“The PM must realise that it is his open support for Perkasa that emboldens them to act in an intolerant manner that preaches hate and extremism as well as exposes his 1 Malaysia as empty sloganeering,” Lim said today.
Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali, who is often at the centre of controversy for allegedly uttering racial slurs, invited more criticism for his Malay rights group last week when he distributed white ang pow packets instead of the traditional red during the group’s Chinese New Year open house.
Money to help with funeral costs is usually placed in “white packets” by the Chinese and is known as “pak kum” in Cantonese.
But according to the group, this was because Ibrahim, who took pains to trumpet Perkasa’s struggle for the Chinese community during the function, had run out of red ang pow packets.
When commenting on the incident yesterday, Najib attempted to distance his administration from the “white packet” faux pas by saying Ibrahim is an independent lawmaker.
Ibrahim, who was formerly a PAS member, is presently an independent lawmaker for Pasir Mas in Kelantan.
Lim said Najib’s failure to condemn the act indicated the prime minister is protective of the group. — file pic
“Ibrahim Ali is an independent MP ... the ‘white packets’ are not recognised by the government,” the prime minister said on Monday in his new Chinese-language “Ah Jib Gor” Facebook page.
He added that the controversy over the white packets handed out at Perkasa’s Chinese New Year open house on Sunday could have been avoided through a “deeper understanding and increased sensitivity to cultural taboos of Chinese culture.”
But Lim said that Najib was attempting to “fool” Malaysians with his statement, adding that no one believes that Perkasa and BN do not share friendly ties with one another.
He pointed out that just two years ago, the prime minister had indicated his administration’s cordial relationship with Perkasa when he said the controversial group was “not so extreme” during an interview with Al-Jazeera.
“On top of that, Umno and BN have consistently supported Perkasa, attended their functions, and have even adopted their views on national policies,” he said.
Lim claimed even MCA has shown support for Perkasa, pointing to reports that the party’s Sri Desa Branch chairman and Seputeh division committee member Dr Tiew Chew Ming had once said that the Malay rights group fights for all races.
“Compounding this, time and time again Malaysians have seen Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa getting away with the most seditious actions and statements,” he added.
He cited the example of Perkasa setting Bersih 2.0 chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenavasan’s picture alight and her subsequent demonisation as a “dangerous Hindu woman”.
“It is thus crystal clear that Perkasa has the support of the Umno and BN leadership as well as Umno’s paper Utusan Malaysia, when they can get away with such vile and seditious threats,” he said.

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