Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Don't succumb to provocation of pig's head

YOURSAY 'Kudos to PKR Rawang state rep Gan Pei Nei for responding immediately to this issue even though it was during the festive season.'

Pig head found at mosque in Rawang

your sayArtchan: I thank the mosque committee for not playing into the hands of troublemakers, and dare we hope the police will solve this case.

It doesn't matter what race the perpetrators are. Catch them and parade them in town and hang pig heads around their necks before sending them to the police.

Moontime: It looks like there are people who still believed we are living in the 60s. They thought that we can be easily agitated and angered by this childish act.

What exactly are their real intentions? Are they agent provocateurs itching to create another racial riot so that we can rally behind a nearly extinct political party to 'protect' us and fight for our rights?

If they want to create disorder and chaos, this is definitely not the way, at least here in Malaysia. They first tried with a cow's head - that didn't work. Then surau/church arson attack - ditto. Now, two incidents of pig's head with the same results.

Well, these guys probably never heard of Albert Einstein famous quote: Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

I have just the right label for them: Political desperados unfit to be living in the 21st century. Let's ship these morons to Zimbabwe/Somalia/Sudan where they will feel right at home. Hate-based politics has no place in Malaysia.

YF: Kudos to PKR Rawang state representative Gan Pei Nei for responding immediately to this issue even though it was during the festive season.

Kudos also to the mosque representatives who worked with her in addressing this issue. Truly the Malays are not weak, they are strong and fed up with Umno's political stereotyping of them.

Kudos to our Malay friends. We are all sick and tired of these racist games.

David Dass: There are undoubtedly elements which are bent on causing trouble. The police must act swiftly and arrest these miscreants. The majority of people in Malaysia will have no truck with such mischief makers.

Religions and places of worship should be respected and not desecrated. It really does not matter who they are. It does not matter whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. These people are nothing more than troublemakers.

Little Han2: I am happy all our Muslim brothers are matured and accept that this act of provocation is an act of irresponsible people out to create trouble before the election. This is the real spirit of communal harmony.

Joe Lee: Simple questions that need to be asked: Which political parties will benefit most from a Malaysian community that is divided and suspicious of each other?

Which will benefit when Malaysians vote on the basis of race and religion? Which will benefit when there are racial tensions or even riots? Sorry, no prizes for getting the correct answer.

Conversely, which political parties will benefit from a united Malaysian community where all communities feel that they are being treated fairly.

Once we apply this simple logic, there's no running away from the conclusion.

M Suresh Kumar: It looks like someone is so desperate to hold on to power that they just don't care about racial harmony.

When the rakyat is split, then they can gain control of everything, and no one will be strong enough to question them. But be forewarned, God's law is above all. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Malaysian Born: This is clearly the work of someone trying to inflame sensitivities to drive a wedge between Muslims and non-Muslims. This kind of political manipulation is dangerous and the perpetrators should not be allowed to get away with it.

Whoever it is should be caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I think it will be relatively easy for the authorities to get to the bottom of this as someone must have seen whoever was lurking around the mosque early in the morning.

Gandhi: This kind of provocation has been going on for some time. But this method has been found to be ineffective to cause racial ill-feelings, violence and trouble.

I ask the perpetrators to be sensitive to feelings of all religions and races and stop playing dirty. Malaysians are mature enough not to fall for this kind of uncivilised act and will be quick to condemn this inhuman behaviour.

Swipenter: It looks like we have to install CCTVs in all our houses of worship. There are too many of such incidents and this could spark a national disaster. Some elements are resorting to extreme actions to spark a racial or religious clash amongst us. Please keep calm and rational.

Blind Freddo: Stand back Malaysia and take a long hard look at yourselves. Within the next few months you will be making a decision that will determine the direction of the country for the next five years. And what are you doing?

You are allowing yourselves to be sidetracked by a mass of irrelevant details - pig's heads, ladies dresses, the Israeli situation, the colours of envelopes and the neuroses of religious clerics.

There are clear signs that the government leaders don't know where they are going, or if they do, they're not telling you. The same, more or less, applies to the opposition, which seems to be limited to correcting some of Malaysia's past woes, and not much else.

Nicole: Most likely, the person who threw the pig's head at the mosque's entrance did not know the pig's head is offensive to the Malays just as Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali did not know that the white money packet is for Chinese funerals. - Malaysiakini

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