Saturday, January 28, 2012


AS January 27 is the date of the UMNO Supreme Council meeting, then had to postpone Lajim 'official announcement' today to January 31, 2012 as I go home at night after the 'war tongue' with Sabah Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Musa Aman at the meeting be.
It is understood, Lajim denied all the allegations published in and Facebook, especially those initiated by Musli Oli that he had attended and spoke at the Christmas Open House Celebration organized by the Kuala Turtle Former Assemblyman, Datuk John Ghani.
"All media reported was a total lie and masterminded by certain figures to kill my political career in UMNO. I vehemently deny I have to attend and speak at the event and I remain loyal to Umno," said Lajim in front of the UMNO Supreme Council meeting chaired by Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Disclaimer Lajim was in the Christmas celebration attended John Ghani Former Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Nizar and many leaders of the People's Alliance, thus proving that Lajim willing to do anything to save themselves from the actions of the UMNO Supreme Council.
Impossible no 'Special Branch' attendance at the event or had to 'Cover-up' and 'Kao-Team' to the UMNO Supreme Council did not get a true picture of what Lajim do that night.
Lajim UMNO MT may be deceptive, but how much can he lie to Commissioner John Gary, Hiew King and Martin CHeu Gumpangang (T-Shirt black color) Lajim berkaroke with a bang in the night?
According to information received from the crew in Beaufort, Lajim no longer allowed the government's official opening Ceremony BR1M especially so when most of the strain is represented Klias assemblyman Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun.
Meanwhile, political observers said the presence Lajim in the UMNO Supreme Council today considered the "Scissors In folding 'until he boycotted by the majority of the Supreme Council was brand him as" MT Andropause'!
Percubaaan to contact Lajim and Musa Aman failed, but many pre-have contacted MT disputes between Lajim tongue and Musa Aman; but described the incident as common in the UMNO Supreme Council meeting.
- Sabahkini

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