Wednesday, February 1, 2012

RPK: Why I went mainstream

Raja Petra Kamarudin reveals why he has decided to vent his frustrations against Pakatan Rakyat to the mainstream media.

PETALING JAYA: Raja Petra Kamarudin or better known as RPK is a household name. The blogger of royal descent has a knack for courting controversy and his Malaysia Today blog is known to send a chill down Barisan Nasional’s spine.
Apart from unearthing numerous scandals, RPK also unleashed a wave of no holds barred assaults against prominent figures in the ruling coalition, including Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.
RPK, who currently resides in London, was considered to be one of the instrumental forces behind the political tsunami which struck Malaysian shores on March 8, 2008, devastating the fortress of BN.
Now, the same blogger, once celebrated by the opposition, is accused of being a turncoat and an Umno stooge. The reason for this was his interviews with the mainstream media that were critical of Pakatan Rakyat and its supremo Anwar Ibrahim.
Speaking to FMT, the pipe-smoking rebel explained why he chose this path.
“People ask me why do I talk to the mainstream media, why don’t I talk directly to the opposition leaders? You think we didn’t? We did. But we can’t get their attention,” he lamented.
“However, when I go to the mainstream media, it gets attention…,” he added.
The blogger also stressed that Pakatan must realise that the “Anything But Umno” fervour of the past would not repeat in the coming general election.
When this was put forth to Anwar, RPK said, the opposition leader conceded that voters would only back Pakatan if it fielded quality candidates.
RPK also disclosed that in the run-up to the 2008 general election, a “social contract” was inked, which stated that Pakatan would implement the “people’s declaration” if it came into power.
The blogger claimed that when he raised this matter with Anwar, the latter blamed the “egotistical” Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim as being a stumbling block to the implementation.

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