Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Who else but Anwar?

Who else but Anwar?
Barisan Nasional's obsession with Anwar Ibrahim has come to a head. It is unbelievable that there could be so much emotion over one solitary figure, even if he heads the Opposition pact. Always lurking beneath the surface - ever since Umno jailed and sacked him on false sodomy charges in 1998 - this fear of retribution erupted into the open after the 2008 general election, and until today, it has not dissipated.
If one were to watch the news on prime time television not a moment goes by without one knucklehead or other letting off steam against Anwar, while trying to sound and look credible without sticking a finger into his nose or scratching his rear.
BN sharks work overtime
It sounds so ridiculous, but day in and day out, the mainstream media is working overtime to rip apart the 'one great leader' who is expected by his countrymen to save Malaysia from the mighty jaws of the BN sharks, to unite the country and to lead it to become a real and functioning democracy.
No, the BN government simply cannot let that happen. Not over their dead bodies anyway! How can Malaysia become more democratic than it already is? After all, Prime Minister Najib Razak has already said the country is the "best democracy in the world". How can anyone improve on that?
Also, what will happen to all the booty? Yes, Malaysia is rich - or was rich anyway. But how will the BN leaders get to lord over the people and legally steal all their assets if they let Anwar walk over them? That would spell the end of the BN gold mine. Imagine, after extracting all those billions, BN leaders are still desperate to scrape the barrel's bottom for that last dollar. No, no! Cross our BN fingers, Anwar must never come to power!
Scared stiff
Whatever would become of BN? Who is going to protect them from the law? At least now they know they can make the law protect them, but that will change if democracy really sets foot in this country. Their sins will find them out and fast. They will be at the mercy of the people, who will want their heads and rightly so. The looting of the country has gone on for far too long and at too great a scale.
They have been hoodwinking the public lfor too long enough. Everyone now knows their modus operandi and have become wise to their tricks. It is not just the NFC financial debacle, what's a measly RM250 million. Like Zaid Ibrahim, formerly of Umno, ex-PKR and now KITA, says - Mindef or the Ministry of Defense is a much bigger fish totalling billions in unaccounted for funds.
Yes, UMNO and BN are scared. The mere silhouette of Anwar Ibrahim in the shadows strikes fear into their greedy hearts. The very glimpse of Anwar in person gives them the uncontrollable shakes and shivers, not to mention endless nightmares. Never has anyone person in this country ever had such a paralysing effect on the government of the day. And Anwar hasn’t even lifted a finger to unleash any salvos at them yet! Hehehe!
Be that as it may, they know that as long as Anwar is out there, their goose is fried! Finito! Kaputt! You can see the despair in their faces, as they try to discredit Anwar with lame excuses ranging from sodomy to anti-Jew issues.
Yet, despite the combined might of the BN government and all their machinery, they have failed to dent the image of this charismatic leader, whom the people are counting on to eradicate the cancer eating away at the roots of this nation - CORRUPTION.
Superhero and Superstar
The constant attacks on him are generating a positive attitude towards Anwar, as more and more people become aware of him and his famous face while questioning the BN's absurd attention and overkill towards him. Thanks to the free nationwide publicity, which often spills over into the international press as well, the BN mass media has turned Anwar into a superhero and a superstar.
By comparison, Najib, the current prime minister if anyone still remembers who he is, gets at least 70 per cent less. And for that, he has to spend hundreds of millions of public money on his media team. What cheek!
Today, Anwar hogs the spotlight, in all the mainstream media, pro-BN blogs, television and radio, not to mention the constant international media limelight. He is the most talked about person, the most loved and hated, the most persecuted and the most publicly-dissected personality in regards to both his public and private life.
Today, he holds in one finger more credibility than all of the BN politicians put together, as attempts to incarcerate him and pin him down have failed miserably. Sodomy I , Sodomy II, the Datuk T sex video fiasco have all failed to mar his character, boomeranging on Najib and his team of scriptwriters for dreaming up such evil shenanigans against what is after all - a fellow human being.
Who else but Anwar?
And through all the constant attacks, Anwar has risen from the ashes like Prince Charming vanquishing all his attackers and appearing as strong and as unblemished as before. He is a true hero of the Malays, and many are silently angry at the vain attempts to discredit such a true towering Malay talent. It is a real shame.
Try counting on your fingers, which Malay has ever been so welcomed and respected in the world than Anwar? Is it Najib? Was it Abdullah Badawi? How about Mahathir Mohamad?
But Mahathir thinks he deserves the honor more than Anwar. According to the good Dr M, he is the one who has achieved the most for Malaysia and therefore deserves to be crowned the best-respected or best-loved Malay leader ever, or so far anyway. But the thing is, while Mahathir left behind a lot of infrastructure, he and his cronies took out even more - disproportionately huge amounts of assets and money out of the country. To the tune of RM888 billion at least if the Global Financial Integrity is correct.
So I don't know if the Malays want to consider them as their best loved son. Even Malaysians would prefer to put him in their Hall of Infamy rather than Fame.
As for Badawi, yawn! Yes, he slept through his tenure just a tad too much. As for Najib, come on! He even needs to have a "Love Najib" campaign started up for him by MCA-linked groups. For sure, someone who has to call himself "Ah Jib Gor" is a cartoon and nowhere in striking distance of even door to the waiting room where applicants for the crown of most renowned Malay - er, for good and positive things and not C4 or diamond rings - have to wait.
The worst cheek of it all is Najib had the gall to ban Zunar's political cartoons while he calls himself "Ah Jib Gor", launches "Love Najib" campaigns, and gives the nod to Datuk T sex video scripts. Doraemon, Ninja Turtles and Debby Does Dallas - watch out, competition is on the way!
So, let the attacks continue, and let Anwar bask in glory at all the attention targeted against him, and let the people decide who they want to be the next leader of this nation.
Although, Anwar may gladly forgo the Prime Minister-ship for the sake of unity and compromise, there is still no one big enough to fill his shoes and neither would the people want anyone less than Anwar Ibrahim.
Malaysia Chronicle

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