Monday, February 27, 2012

Chief secretary a civil servant or Umno servant?

VOXPOP 'Umno thinks that all civil servants are Umno servants, wrongly no doubt. I wonder what the civil servants think about their positions.'

Khalid pounds Najib for 'BN-only' meeting

vox populi small thumbnailKsn: Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim has pointed out a very pertinent subject. The politicians and civil servants must draw the line between them.

Prime Minister Najib Razak was definitely in the wrong to invite or instruct the chief secretary to the meeting and chief secretary Mohd Sidek Hassan, on his part, should have known that this was one occasion he is not qualified to attend and should have declined.

But then Umno thinks that all civil servants are Umno servants, wrongly no doubt. I wonder what the civil servants think about their positions.

Anonymous_05: Both Pakatan Rakyat and BN are Malaysian governments at state and federal level.

Bearing in mind that our PM has been stridently promoting 1Malaysia all these years, what has happened (where Pakatan leaders were not invited the 114th Menteris Besar and Chief Ministers' Meeting) is very disappointing.

I can understand how Khalid and other Pakatan menteris besar and chief ministers feel.

Jimmy Ng: Khalid is spot on. If the meeting is only for BN then the expenditure for it (including tea, coffee and curry puffs) must all come from BN only and not from the government. Plus the chief secretary who is a civil servant, should not be attending.

But knowing these despotic, ignorant yet arrogant BN people, they will try to defend and justify their corrupt ways because they behave and think as though they own the country and the whole nation owes them.

Jeremy Ng: This is just one of the many abuses by the government. The only difference is that BN now is openly doing it.

This had been going on for too long and civil servants' irresponsible attitude cannot be changed. This has led to inefficiency and poor governance as part of the ‘mutual helping' between civil servants and BN politicians.

Loyal Malaysian: This is the sort of hypocritical leader who goes about mouthing 1Malaysia and yet cannot distinguish between his duties as head of the Umnoputras and head of the Malaysian government.

2cts worth: Khalid should forgive Ah Jib Gor (Najib) for he doesn't know what he is doing most of the time - his 1Malaysia and "world's best democracy" are very clear indications. - Malaysiakini

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