Monday, February 6, 2012

Eradicate Umno culture in govt, says RPK [video]

Raja Petra Kamarudin says getting rid of Umno at the next general election would not be enough to bring about meaningful political change and reform. “If we just get rid of Umno and not the culture, nothing will change,” he said because Umno culture had infected key government agencies such as the Election Commission, police and military.
“Everywhere you look, you are touched by the Umno culture,” he told Free Malaysia Today. He said the Election Commission would “do all sorts of scams, schemes and cheating and fraud” to keep Barisan Nasional in power.
He cited police statements on an ABU gathering in Klang last month as an example of Umno culture in the police force. » RPK: Destroy the Umno culture (Free Malaysia Today)
- Uppercaise

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