Thursday, February 2, 2012

Not just a loose screw, Hasan has gone nuts

YOURSAY 'Unlimited freedom of speech is only reserved for those who are members of the ‘ketuanan Melayu' tribe.'

Hasan: DAP will merge M'sia, S'pore into republic

your sayMoontime: I used to respect this motivational expert turned politician at one time but now, Hasan Ali is clearly showing signs of senility, dementia, and dare I say it, sour grapes.

We know that you are frustrated by not being chosen as Selangor MB. Your ambition is to merge PAS and Umno to rule Selangor but thanks to the will of the people and divine intervention, your plan failed. And now this!

First of all, why in the world would Singapore merge with Malaysia? Secondly, do we really want to merge with that country knowing that the economic gap is just too wide and the political ideology too different?

Poor Dr Hasan Ali, you have delusions of grandeur and when PAS refused to attend to your whims and fancies, you tried another approach by forming Jati. Let's see how long your so-called third force will last.

Puchong Mali: This claim is so outrageous that it no longer makes for a good laugh. Hasan, you surprise me yet again just when I thought I have seen enough of stupidity from our politicians.

Bluemountains: I am just wondering if he will behave like this if he was made menteri besar of Selangor.

Rightfully, he should be charged for sedition. But it looks like he has the protection of Umno.

Muslims involvement in alcohol and other vices is nothing new and has been going on even when Selangor was under Umno, even though they don't talk about it.

ONG: From the type of speeches Hasan Ali and Ibrahim Ali are allowed to deliver in public, it may appear that Malaysia can lay claim to being among the most democratic countries in the world, at least where freedom of speech is concerned.

Unfortunately, such practice of unlimited freedom of speech is only reserved for those who are members of the ‘ketuanan Melayu' tribe.

David Dass: No merger can take place without the Malays and the Malay rulers agreeing to it. And a decision to retire the Malay rulers will also require the consent of the Malays and the sultans.

And this assumes that the non-Malays and the DAP want merger with Singapore and also want to remove the sultans. If Hasan Ali will remember, the PAP contested the elections in 1964 and were soundly defeated. They only took one seat and that was Bangsar won by Devan Nair.

So clearly the Malays and non-Malays of Malaysia were not impressed by Lee Kuan Yew and the PAP of Singapore. The DAP is not the PAP even if started off as an off-shoot of PAP. So it is wildly irresponsible for Hasan Ali to make such a statement.

But then he is the same person who alleged that Christians were out to convert the Malays using charity and modern communications devices. So are we really surprised? Does he have any credibility? Will Malays actually believe him?

Wira: Here is an idiot whose credibility is at stake and is grasping at last straws. How can DAP merge Malaysia with Singapore?

It doesn't have the numbers in Parliament (we'll need a two-thirds majority for that) even if DAP wins 100 percent of the seats it contests.

Freemsia: There we go again. Hasan Ali is no doubt looking like a supporter of Umno, using the same old modus operandi - speaking different things to a different crowd.

Umno will tell the Malay crowd that if Pakatan Rakyat takes over, DAP will be the dominant party and will abolish Malay rights, undermine Islam and the royalty.

And MCA will tell the Chinese crowd that if Pakatan takes over, PAS will be the dominant party and implement hudud law throughout the country. This government is a joke.

Just Me: Hasan, stop frightening the people. Umno and its gang have been doing it for more than 40 over years now. It doesn't work anymore. Everything is in the constitution.

What makes you think Singapore will want to merge with Malaysia. It has one of the largest per capital income in the world. Even its citizens are allow to travel to the United States and China without a visa.

It has a large account surplus, why would they want to share it with Malaysians? Without crude oil, we are dead and that will happen sooner than we think.

YF: Well done, Hasan. You've proven to everyone that you are from Umno and not from PAS. Pakatan won Perak and PAS was given the MB position, so why doubt the Malaysian spirit of Pakatan?

Just admit that you have sold out Islam and the Malays and have been bought by Umno. The fact that you make no attack on Umno's numerous acts of corruption and abuse of power is proof that your agenda is your own pocket.

Is Islam all about corruption and fitnah? You sure have proven that it is.

Faz: A person with a Phd is no guarantee to have wisdom and clarity of thinking. It is a futile academic exercise to evaluate Dr Hasan as his rantings spill half-truths and outright lies.

Samuel Ng: Why do Malaysiakini readers think Hasan is speaking out of stupidity? It could very well be from the pinnacle of his intelligence. It is just that you think it is a stupid remark.

Paul Warren: What is most shocking is that this mad man can still get 1,000 people to come listen to his dribble. - Malaysiakini

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