Monday, February 27, 2012

Open your eyes wide, Malaysians: Najib and BN are selling you out for RM700mil

Open your eyes wide, Malaysians: Najib and BN are selling you out for RM700mil
AT A STAGE when your government openly doesn't give a damn about your health and safety, that must be the pits.
Your caring prime minister Najib Abdul Razak claims the RM700 million rare earth refinery in Kuantan is “factually and scientifically” safe.
I certainly hope Najib and his blind cronies can answer two simple questions:
> If such a facility is safe, why must the Australian-based Lynas site it in Malaysia when Australia has ample land? and;
> Why is Najib so supportive of Lynas’ nuclear shit when the Australian government is dead against the setting up of such a facility in their own country?
There is only one solution, Najib
If Malaysians cannot see how Najib and Barisan Nasional (BN) are selling out the rakyat, we deserve to suffer the consequences of our actions or the lack of it.
The health and safety of Malaysians are being compromised by a super corrupt and, now, evil government that places money above everything else.
Najib accuses the opposition of using the issue to gain political mileage by attacking the government to shore up local support.
He adds: “But what they are doing is not to find a solution for this. We want to find a solution acceptable to the people but at the same time, would not affect our investments.”
My dear PM. The solution is to tell Lynas to keep their precious and safe radioactive shit in their own backyard in Australia. As for investments, the health and safety of the rakyat cannot be compromised for anything.
Then the BN cronies rush to blindly follow
For the BN cronies who blindly and willingly support the setting up of the Lynas shit plant, why don’t you lobby for the refinery to be located in your backyard, since your rakyat-loving and kind Najib has declared that the facility is “factually and scientifically” safe. The Australian miner’s investment will bring great wealth to you!
Najib insists that the plant is safe. But, even the Australian government don’t have the confidence to allow the setting up of such a facility in their vast desert land.
Is it then logical to site it in Kuantan’s Gebeng where there is habitation?
The Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) on Jan 20 granted Lynas a temporary operating licence (TOL), thus allowing it to embark on a trial run.
If the BN government is so cock sure that it is completely safe, why the trial run? Just put all your family members at the site as guinea pigs to display your sincerity and lead by example! Don’t just talk cock and bull and compromise the safety of others for your selfish and perhaps, personal agenda.
Jackson Ng is a Retired Journalist

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