Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PAS Unplugged - WHAT NEXT?

(sorry if the above graphic from Google offends any of you, but that is the fact of the matter)

Pork stalls' visit - Muslims must be open-minded says Pas
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR: Pas’ Ulama Council deputy chief Datuk Mahfodz Mohamad says the Al-Quran doesn’t forbid Muslims from going to pork stalls, so it was alright for Pas leaders to meet the people at stalls selling pork meat.

Defending the actions of two Pas leaders who distributed angpows and oranges at pork stalls in Mersing and in Selangor in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebrations, Mahfodz said there was no reason why Muslims should make a big fuss over those visits.

"There is no prohibition in Islam stopping Muslims from going to pork markets. As long as Muslims know what is right and wrong, they don’t have to create a big fuss about it.

"I don't find the visits odd, at all. In fact this shows how Pas is more open and approachable to people at all level, as what is stated in our "Pas for all" slogan," he added. -  TheMole

So, have Pas come a full circle in their attempt to promote 'Pas For All'? 

Pas has become an open-minded political party that has given up its life-long struggle to transform Malaysia into a 'Negara Islam' or Islamic nation. It has now embraced a Negara Kebajikan or Welfare State approach. 

Welfare state for Pas is endorsed by political partners PKR and DAP while Islamic state is now a bad word in their dictionary.

And this latest news about ... no less than PAS' Ulama Council deputy head telling Muslims to be open-minded about visits to pork-stalls ... is not shocking at all. 

This is exactly what sacked former PAS Selangor state assemblyman Datuk Dr Hasan Ali been telling Malaysians. Hasan may appear like an extremist but he has valid points when he pointed that Pas has lost its soul.

Pas leaders now point to the fact that pork is only HARAM if consumed. 

“Pork is haram for Muslims, but it is okay for non-Muslims to eat pork. Nowhere it is stated that it was haram for me to visit pork stalls,” - quotes from a PAS leader in The Mole

Can we now safely assume that all the stalls selling pork meat at wet-market throughout the country would be incorporated in the main market ( pork stalls are now isolated in a special area for non-halal items)?

Pas could say next that it was a from of discrimination to isolate stalls selling pork at markets..or that it was against Human Rights to discriminate against the Chinese pork traders.

The Bar Council would certainly come to PAS' defense and stress how draconian the BN Government has been all these years...discriminating against pork stall operators and isolating them at markets. OMG!!! 

So, Pas has certainly been unplugged, what next Haji Hadi? 

I won't be surprised if Pas introduces a newEntrepreneur Development Scheme to fund Muslims who are interested in setting up pork-stalls at markets. 

Seriously, I won't be surprised because Pas can't possibly go any lower than now in trying to attract non-Muslims via their Pas For All slogan. 

Pas' parasites would surely say 'Its ONLY haram for Muslims to eat pork. Nowhere in the Quran it says that Muslims can't sell pork for a living. If we accidentally touch pork meat, we could samak. No problem with that. 


Note: Just don't eat pork OK, everything else OK. PAS FOR ALL!


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