Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Penang Umno Youth chides 'childish' Guan Eng

Penang Umno Youth has expressed disappointment with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for lodging a police report in connection with alleged threats made during the disrupted anti-Lynas protest last Sunday.
NONEHe is blaming Umno for whatever that happened to him that day, said  Shaik Hussein Mydin (right), who heads the wing in the state.
“Lim's action is similar to a senile old man who is fighting with a child for his bottle of milk,” he said.
However, Shaik Hussein said he welcomes prompt and thorough investigation into whoever was responsible for the fracas that broke out after Lim's speech at the rally.
Some 50 pro-Lynas supporters, including  members of Umno Youth and Malay rights group Perkasa, had disrupted the rally held in solidarity with the Himpunan Hijau 2.0 assembly in Kuantan, Pahang.
penang lynas himpunan hijau 260212Shaik Hussein said the probe will reveal that it was Lim who had provoked the situation, which left two journalists injured.
"We view his actions as childish based on several facts. For a start, when he was on stage that day, he told Umno members to shut up," he said.
"His statement diverted from the real purpose of the Speakers Square - where the event was held - as it is suppose to be a space for freedom of speech.”
‘Learn from Koh’
Shaik Hussein said the pro-Lynas group had responded to Lim's "taunting" as their dignity had been undermined when the chief minister told the crowd ‘We are not afraid of these kids who support Lynas’.
He also said Lim should learn from former chief minister Koh Tsu Koon as to how to be a proper head of the state administration.
Koh, who had been chief minister of Penang for 18 years,“had remained “calm and patient despite criticism from friends and foes”.
"(Lim) should not learn from his father (Kit Siang) who knows how to create anger among the people," he quipped.

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