Thursday, February 2, 2012

PM Hj Najib: Reports on Rosmah deliberately fabricated

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak defended his wife Rosmah Mansor, claiming that the reports about her recent shopping spree in Sydney were "deliberately fabricated" to put him in a bad light.

NONEHe was responding to a question by aTwitter user, asking him to verify a blog post made by Australian fashion blog Frockwriter which estimated the bill for exclusive designer label clothing by Carl Kapp, was around A$100,000 (RM323,000).

"It was a wildly exaggerated story deliberately fabricated to affect people's perception of their leaders," he said in Twitter last night.
Email exchanges
Sydney-based fashion journalist and blogger Patty Huntington  yesterday disclosed email exchanges to support her report about Najib and Rosmah's expenses.

Huntington stood by her earlier blog posting on Jan 17, relating Kapp’s encounter with the couple at the the Darling Hotel penthouse, where his publicist Holly Beer had said that 61 items ordered were "for her (Rosmah's) everyday occasions, which are many".

NONEThe fashion journalist also defended her earlier report by disclosing the arrangement to fly Kapp to Kuala Lumpur this month just for the fitting, although the latter in his statement on Jan 25, had denied that, saying the visit to Malaysia was part of his Asian tour, to source material for his designs.

"Kapp told me (Huntington), she (Rosmah) asked him to come to KL for fittings.

"I (Kapp) said 'if you (Rosmah) take care of the travel arrangements, sure... I can't believe I'm actually flying over there next month for an hour and a half fitting.

"And then flying back out again the next day'," Huntington revealed, citing excerpts of her conversation with Kapp.
On her part, Rosmah had dismissed claims that she spent extravagantly.
"It's all rubbish, wildly exaggerated and not true," she toldMalaysiakini and The Sun when she was approached at MCA's Chinese New Year open house celebrations in Kuala Lumpur on Jan 23.

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