Thursday, February 2, 2012

Prostitutes can kill you

Inilah Cina! If you go to a prostitute and you die after swallowing your dentures that is your problem. Stop screaming and shouting! And if you go to Perkasa’s Chinese New Year party and get insulted that is also your problem. Stop screaming and shouting!
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Man swallows dentures during sex and dies
(The Star) - A 74-year-old man died after he accidentally swallowed his dentures during sex with a 62-year-old prostitute in Taiwan, reported Nanyang Siang Pau.
The man, known as Chen, had been living with a close female friend in New Taipei City after separating from his wife many years ago.
The prostitute said she had sex with Chen for 30 minutes. She said Chen had got up from the bed, paid her and was about to put on his clothes when he suddenly collapsed.
“He fell back onto the bed. His eyes were open but he was not moving although I shook his body and tried to wake him up,” said the woman, who called the rescue team.
Chen was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. Doctors later found his dentures stuck in his throat.
What is the moral of the above story? Take your dentures off before sex? Never have sex with old prostitutes? No! The moral of the story is when you get into bed with a prostitute then be prepared to face even the risk of death.
Then we have the story about the millions of Malaysians of Chinese ethnicity who are up in arms about Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa dishing out money in white envelops.
Hello, it’s Ibrahim Ali’s money lah. Even if he wants to dish it out wrapped in an old newspaper like the traditional British fish-and-chips that is his business. No one forced you to take the money. Why take it then?
Anyway, why are others making so much noise? The people making all the noise are not those who attended the Chinese New Year open house function. They are the kay poh (nosey parkers) who masuk campur in something that does not even involve them.
Insulting the Chinese konon. Hey, I can pick out thousands of comments here in Malaysia Today where the Malays and Mamaks are also being insulted.
Do you remember one DAP Selangor Wakil Rakyat who posted in his Blog that he will boycott any palace function that requires him to wear a songkok? His excuse was that it is an Islamic thing and he will not wear asongkok under any circumstances.
Okay, that is your choice. Then don’t go to the palace. No one is forcing you at the point of a gun to go to the palace.
Actually, the songkok is not a Muslim thing at all (even Christians and Hindus in Indonesia wear songkoks). It is merely a cultural thing to the Malays, just like red packets are a Chinese tradition for Chinese New Year while white is for funerals.
But hold on! Suddenly Pakatan Rakyat won the 2008 state election in Selangor. So now all those who won a seat need to go to the palace to get sworn in. And if you don’t get sworn in then you can’t form the state government.
Okay, so do we go to the palace or not? Or shall we allow Barisan Nasional to form the new Selangor state government (even with less than 50% of the seats) since Pakatan Rakyat Wakil Rakyat refuse to go to the palace unless they are allowed to boycott the songkok?
Finally, of course, in the interest of seizing power in Selangor, these anti-songkok Pakatan Rakyat people have to set aside their ‘principles’ and follow palace protocol. As I said, you don’t have to go to the palace if you don’t want to. No one is forcing you to. In fact, you do not even have to get sworn in if you don’t want to. No one is forcing you to do that either.
In that same spirit, no one forced you to attend Perkasa’s Chinese New Year party. Why did you go? And no one forced you to take the money that Ibrahim Ali was dishing out. Why did you take it?
Inilah Cina! If you go to a prostitute and you die after swallowing your dentures that is your problem. Stop screaming and shouting! And if you go to Perkasa’s Chinese New Year party and get insulted that is also your problem. Stop screaming and shouting!
In the first place, you should not have gone, just like that 74-year-old Chinaman in Taiwan should not have gone to a prostitute, at least not to a 62-year-old one. I am sure a Lady Boy from Thailand would have been more delicious.
Sometimes you Chinese just want to find an excuse to whack the Malays. You look for any small excuse to whack, even the colour of an envelope.
Maybe Ibrahim Ali was wrong. I did not say he was right. He should have researched properly before getting involved in a Chinese thing such as ang pows. Furthermore, ang pows are what the older folks give to the younger unmarried people. The photograph I saw was more the age group of the 74-year-old Taiwanese and his 62-year-old prostitute.
Niamah! You call Ibrahim Ali a frog, a political prostitute, a racist, and whatnot. Then you go to his Chinese New Year open house. Then he gives you money in a white envelope and you take it. Then you scream and shout.
Who is the real prostitute here? Ibrahim Ali or the Chinese?
I am glad he dished out the money in a white envelope. If not because of that there would not have been a brouhaha and we would never have known that there are many Chinese prostitutes aged 60 and above in Malaysia as well.
Well done, Ibrahim Ali. This is the one time I support what you did, even though it was an ‘accident’ and due to your stupidity and ignorance of Chinese customs and taboos.

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