Monday, February 6, 2012

Thaipusam & 'Nambikei'

As a child many years ago, I used to join the Thaipusam procession in my kampung. I was not alone as many other Malays, young and old, walked the ceremony with our Hindu friends. And we remained Muslims.

The Hindu chief priest at the Kuala Sungai Baru Estate never failed to invite the kampung folks - Malays and Chinese - to join the glorious event. We participated as friends. In our kampung, we were one in many other celebrations - Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and even 'kenduri kahwin'.

So intact were we that parents treated each others' kids like theirs - with every rights to tell and advise you when you were in the wrong.

The kampung folks always met at the Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Tamil football field for a free 'wayang treat' from Jabatan Penerangan or sponsors like 'Minyak Chap Kapak' and 'Minyak Angin Chap Dua Singa'. That's how we came to know about MGR, Nagesh, P Ramlee, Tompel, Rajesh Khana, Lata Mageskar, Nora Miao and others.

I believe Malaysians in the era of 60s, 70s and early 80s were very much 1Malaysia. We mingled very well, lived a happy and harmonious life... and without prejudice. I wish of having a time-machine which can bring me back to that era - with Rama, Pankej, Suresh, Loga and others.

Its already 2012! As we celebrate Thaipusam together, please be reminded that there is no religion, race and color in friendship. Had we tagged ourselves along the line, there wouldn't have been incidents like attacking mosques, churches, kuils and tokongs.

In his Thaipusam message, Prime Minister Najib Razak has called on Malaysian Hindus to continue to place their "nambikei" in the government.

With this trust, he said, the government would be able to effectively engage with and help the community overcome challenges and achieve personal visions for a better life.

"We remain committed to fulfilling all our promises to the community and we'll do what's needed to help people achieve their dreams," he said in his message in conjunction with the Thaipusam festival posted on his blogsite

A-aaahhhh... Looks like we will need more of such calls in the coming years...


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