Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Umno violence: The worst is yet to come

YOURSAY 'It has become very obvious that the police are in cahoots with the Umno thugs and allow them to endanger the safety of Penang CM.'

Penang anti-Lynas rally disrupted, smooth elsewhere
your sayAnonymous_3f4a: There have been repeated incidents of this nature of late. Is it a sign of 'things' to come in the period leading up to the next general election?

This sort of ‘uncivilised' and unruly behaviour at public gatherings only serve to confirm the standard of democracy in Malaysia is far from 'world class' despite what the prime minister says.

The habit of 'saying one thing, doing quite another' seems to have embedded in our political culture.

If at all there is going to be any transformation taking place in Putrajaya, it should begin with the government leaders themselves.

Geronimo: You know what? For once Umno did the bidding of MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek.

In a news report yesterday, Chua told his men to focus their efforts in attacking DAP to win the GE13. These Umno bozos took the cue all right.

After the Jessie Ooi incident and now this, do we honestly believe we have the right people to run the country again.

Three years ago, such hooliganism reared its ugly head during the town hall meeting between the residents of Section 23 in Shah Alam and the Selangor state government. They threatened to rape Batu Tiga state assemblyperson Rodziah Ismail.

They proceeded to hack off the head of a cow and dragged it to the MB's office. They were then rewarded with a tea gathering with the home minister. Wow, what a way to go.
Vinod: It is clear that this will be the MO (modus operandi) of Umno-Perkasa hooligans for any upcoming protest or ceramah.

The Pakatan Rakyat pact needs to find a suitable solution for these occurrences. Maybe a 200-man Unit Amal like PAS has (some really big guys with great temperament) to form a defensive line.
It is awfully clear that the Umno police ain't going to do squat to protect the non-Umno protesters.
Fredtan: The Himpunan Hijau Penang is so unlike the rest of the country. The police elsewhere were professional in handling the crowd; except for the police in Penang.

The gathering started at 6pm and despite that the Umno thugs were harassing them, the police came only at about 7.15pm. Where were the police? Were they having dinner first before doing their duties?

Maybe the CPO (chief police officer) should be sent to Kuantan for further training - after all, his Kuantan counterparts did their job admirably in controlling at least 15,000 participants without any trouble.

Shame on you, Penang police.

The Rover: The disruption by the bunch of Umno-Perkasa thugs began as early as 6.15pm (when the CM was addressing the crowd).

Yet it took the police one hour to arrive. The whole thing looks so predictably orchestrated and pre-arranged.

The police normal SOP (standard operating procedure) is to arrive on the scene even before an anti-government ceramah kicks off - but here they arrive one hour later.

EugeneT: Once again, Umno members have been shown to be uncouth, uncivilised and barbaric - clear signs of poor self-control and immaturity. Do we need these people from Umno to lead Malaysia?

Up2U: It is quite obvious the 50-odd hooligans were looking for a fight and creating trouble. The absence of police personnel is glaringly surprising.

It is admirable that the 500-plus Himpunan Hijau crowd had the presence of mind to ignore these hooligans' taunting. Had any untoward incident happened, the seemingly absent police would have moved in swiftly.

Lynn: As the political climate heats up, the rakyat will witness the true nature of Umno leaders and their penchant for hiring gangsters and thugs.

If we do not do something, one day, that motorcycle helmet held by a (always fat) Umno thug will be beating down on our heads.

Chuath: Lynas is an issue that we as fellow citizens should care about. Those people who shouted that it is not a Penang issue are uncaring about the country.

Would they be so hostile and be taken up by such short-sighted reasoning if the Lynas project is near their home?

Pemerhati: It has become very obvious that the police are in cahoots with the Umno thugs and allow them to embarrass, harass and endanger the safety of the heads of opposition states and parties.

This continued despicable behaviour of the police should make the opposition seriously consider having its own security officers who will look after the security and safety of the elected members of the opposition when they are confronted by Umno thugs.

KLeo: I think ‘Umno' should be a word in the dictionary. I propose that "umno" be used as an adjective, and to mean "loud, belligerent and lacking in civility".

Example usage: "Kamu ni, umno sangat buat ape. Rilek la..." or "Kalau kamu umno lagi, emak ambik rotan!" - Malaysiakini

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