Sunday, April 1, 2012

The day Umno knelt on its knees and begged for Israel's support - PKR

The day Umno knelt on its knees and begged for Israel's support - PKR
KEADILAN has strong evidence, including reports, correspondence and other documents that confirms the two-faced attitude of Umno, which has been quietly endorsing the bilateral relations between Malaysia and Israel while accusing Dato 'Seri Anwar Ibrahim as an agent of Israel.
Unofficial relations between Umno and the Israeli government or bodies are nothing new. Former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad wrote to three different Prime Ministers of Israel, stating his desire as someone who is representing Umno to establish normal diplomatic relations with Israel.
Then there is Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak, who appointed APCO which is a firm headed by former captains of the Israeli secret service, reaffirming the existence of good relations between Umno and Israel.
In fact, this attitude has spread in the foreign policy determined by Wisma Putra.
Knelt on their knees and begged Israel
Today, KEADILAN will reveal how Umno and their leaders are showing goodwill and even requesting help from Israel, although, officially, Malaysia has no diplomatic relations with that country.
Beginning 4th to 8th June, 2012, Malaysia will host the World Gas Conference to be held in Kuala Lumpur. This conference is the largest conference and will bring together the oil and companies from all around the world.
The organization committee of the World Gas Conference is elected, via balloting, by the members of the International Gas Union, which also comprises countries such as Malaysia, Israel, Russia, Brunei, Indonesia and others.
KEADILAN can confirm that when Malaysia was lobbying for the right to organize this conference in 2005, Malaysia pleaded for Israel’s help to support Malaysia's proposal to host the conference. In fact, Malaysia also indirectly offered to 'manage' the accommodation and registration of the representatives of Israel to the IGU Conference in Tianjin, China.
This approach of appealing for assistance from Israel received the approval of the Umno-led government and on the advice of Wisma Putra. The organizing of the conference is operated by the Malaysian Gas Union, represented by PETRONAS and advised by Tun Mahathir.
Dr M knew and endorsed such an approach
Indeed, KEADILAN has evidence that Dr Mahathir and Wisma Putra Malaysia not only were aware of this approach of appealing assistance from Israel, but also endorsed it.
Herewith enclosed is a letter from the representative of Malaysia to the representative of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, confirming Wisma Putra's appeal for Israeli assistance and support in order to obtain the rights to host the conference.
The attitude of the leadership of Umno and those who determine the Wisma Putra policy is against the wishes of the people who do not want any diplomatic relations either directly or indirectly with Israel.
In fact, this time the expose' reveals the hypocrisy of the highest level at Umno and its relations with Israel. Not only was there intention to establish diplomatic relations, but Umno leaders actually knelt on their knees to beg for Israel's support.
KEADILAN demanded an explanation from Wisma Putra and Tun Mahathir Mohamad on why they went to the extent of begging for Israel’s assistance and support, because this is clearly contrary to the solidarity of Malaysians with the Palestinian cause.
KEADILAN will continue to publish the documents and correspondence to prove how Umno leaders are directly involved in this matter.

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