Friday, March 30, 2012

In Friday sermon, JAWI tells Muslims Jews are No. 1 enemy

March 30, 2012
File photo of people burning an Israel flag at an anti-Israel protest in Kuala Lumpur in 2010.
KUALA LUMPUR, March 30 — The Federal Territories’ official sermon today told Muslims Jews are their main enemy as proven by their ego and murderous acts.
The Friday sermon, delivered at lunchtime in mosques across the capital city, said Muslims must “free your brethren in Palestine from the grasp of Zionist rule and economic siege by donating money, food, medicine and whatever is suitable.”
“Firstly, Muslims must understand Jews are the main enemy to Muslims as proven by their egotistical behaviour and murders performed by them,” said the sermon prepared by the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department (JAWI).
It called on “community leaders and NGOs to intensify activities that increase awareness and understanding to the public about the importance of al-Quds (Jerusalem),” referring to the city that is sacred to Jews, Muslims and also Christians.
“The honour of al-Quds and the al-Aqsa mosque must be defended by all Muslims as it is holy land that is blessed,” the sermon added.
Malaysia’s relations with Israel hit the headlines after Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was quoted by the Wall Street Journal in January as saying that he supported “all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel.”
His statement drew immediate fire from Umno and its media, forcing the opposition leader to clarify that he was referring to a “two-state solution”, and that his support was also contingent on Israel respecting the aspirations of Palestinians.
Following the report, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad accused the PKR de facto leader of being a Jewish sympathiser and a leader who disregarded the plight of the Palestinians.
The former prime minister also alleged that the US and Israel were conspiring to cause a regime change in Malaysia through a “puppet government” to be led by his former deputy.
But Anwar shot back, saying that unlike Dr Mahathir he had never met any Israeli leaders.
Muslim-majority Malaysia is a staunch supporter of Palestine and has no diplomatic ties with Israel.
Muslim politicians have long vied for support from Malays by denouncing what they say are inhumane acts of aggression by Israel towards its neighbour.
Anwar has previously been attacked as a supporter of the Zionist movement due to his interaction with prominent Jewish figures in the West.
But the Permatang Pauh MP turned the tables on Umno and Barisan Nasional in 2010 when he claimed public relations firm APCO Worldwide, then contracted by Putrajaya, was responsible for both the 1 Malaysia and 1 Israel campaigns.

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